SGGSAng 477Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


PIlu rbwbI bldu pKwvj kaUAw qwl bjwvY ]

aucwrx p-Kwvj

feel rabaabee baladh pakhaavaj kooaa thaal bajaavai ||

The elephant is the guitar player, the ox is the drummer, and the crow plays the cymbals.

pihir colnw gdhw nwcY BYsw Bgiq krwvY ]1]

pehir cholanaa gadhehaa naachai bhaisaa bhagath karaavai ||1||

Putting on the skirt, the donkey dances around, and the water buffalo performs devotional worship. ||1||

rwjwrwm kkrIAw bry pkwey ]

raajaa raam kakareeaa barae pakaaeae ||

The Lord, the King, has cooked the cakes of ice,

iknY bUJnhwrY Kwey ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx bU`JnhwrY

kinai boojhanehaarai khaaeae ||1|| rehaao ||

But only the rare man of understanding eats them. ||1||Pause||

bYiT isMGu Gir pwn lgwvY GIs glaury ilAwvY ]

aucwrx g-laury

baith singh ghar paan lagaavai ghees galourae liaavai ||

Sitting in his den, the lion prepares the betel leaves, and the muskrat brings the betel nuts.

Gir Gir musrI mMglu gwvih kCUAw sMKu bjwvY ]2]

ghar ghar musaree mangal gaavehi kashhooaa sankh bajaavai ||2||

Going from house to house, the mouse sings the songs of joy, and the turtle blows on the conch-shell. ||2||

bMs ko pUqu bIAwhn cilAw suieny mMfp Cwey ]

bans ko pooth beeaahan chaliaa sueinae manddap shhaaeae ||

The son of the sterile woman goes to get married, and the golden canopy is spread out for him.

rUp kµinAw suµdir byDI ssY isMG gun gwey ]3]

aucwrx ssY: polw bolo

roop kanniaa sundhar baedhhee sasai singh gun gaaeae ||3||

He marries a beautiful and enticing young woman; the rabbit and the lion sing their praises. ||3||

khq kbIr sunhu ry sMqhu kItI prbqu KwieAw ]

kehath kabeer sunahu rae santhahu keettee parabath khaaeiaa ||

Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints - the ant has eaten the mountain.

kCUAw khY AMgwr iB lorau lUkI sbdu sunwieAw ]4]6]

aucwrx iB: ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: By)

kashhooaa kehai angaar bh loro lookee sabadh sunaaeiaa ||4||6||

The turtle says, “I need a burning coal, also.” Listen to this mystery of the Shabad. ||4||6||