SGGSAng 476Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


jogI jqI qpI sµinAwsI bhu qIrQ BRmnw ]

aucwrx jqI: polw bolo

jogee jathee thapee sanniaasee bahu theerathh bhramanaa ||

The Yogis, celibates, penitents and Sannyaasees make pilgrimages to all the sacred places.

luµijq muMijq moin jtwDr AMiq qaU mrnw ]1]

aucwrx jtw-Dr: polw bolo

lunjith munjith mon jattaadhhar anth thoo maranaa ||1||

The Jains with shaven heads, the silent ones, the beggars with matted hair - in the end, they all shall die. ||1||

qw qy syvIAly rwm nw ]

aucwrx syvI-Aly

thaa thae saeveealae raamanaa ||

Meditate, therefore, on the Lord.

rsnw rwm nwm ihqu jw kY khw krY jmnw ]1] rhwau ]

rasanaa raam naam hith jaa kai kehaa karai jamanaa ||1|| rehaao ||

What can the Messenger of Death do to one whose tongue loves the Name of the Lord? ||1||Pause||

Awgm inrgm joiqk jwnih bhu bhu ibAwkrnw ]

aagam niragam jothik jaanehi bahu bahu biaakaranaa ||

Those who know the Shaastras and the Vedas, astrology and the rules of grammar of many languages;

qMq mMqR sB AauKD jwnih AMiq qaU mrnw ]2]

thanth manthr sabh aoukhadhh jaanehi anth thoo maranaa ||2||

Those who know Tantras and mantras and all medicines - even they shall die in the end. ||2||

rwj Bog Aru CqR isMGwsn bhu suµdir rmnw ]

raaj bhog ar shhathr singhaasan bahu sundhar ramanaa ||

Those who enjoy regal power and rule, royal canopies and thrones, many beautiful women,

pwn kpUr subwsk cMdn AMiq qaU mrnw ]3]

aucwrx su-bwsk

paan kapoor subaasak chandhan anth thoo maranaa ||3||

Betel nuts, camphor and fragrant sandalwood oil - in the end, they too shall die. ||3||

byd purwn isMimRiq sB Kojy khU n aUbrnw ]

aucwrx aU-brnw

baedh puraan sinmrith sabh khojae kehoo n oobaranaa ||

I have searched all the Vedas, Puraanas and Simritees, but none of these can save anyone.

khu kbIr ieau rwmih jµpau myit jnm mrnw ]4]5]

kahu kabeer eio raamehi janpo maett janam maranaa ||4||5||

Says Kabeer, meditate on the Lord, and eliminate birth and death. ||4||5||