SGGSAng 477Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


btUAw eyku bhqir AwDwrI eyko ijsih duAwrw ]

aucwrx bh`qir

battooaa eaek behathar aadhhaaree eaeko jisehi dhuaaraa ||

The body is a bag with seventy-two chambers, and one opening, the Tenth Gate.

nvY KMf kI ipRQmI mwgY so jogI jig swrw ]1]

navai khandd kee prithhamee maagai so jogee jag saaraa ||1||

He alone is a real Yogi on this earth, who asks for the primal world of the nine regions. ||1||

AYsw jogI nauiniD pwvY ]

aucwrx nau-in`iD

aisaa jogee no nidhh paavai ||

Such a Yogi obtains the nine treasures.

ql kw bRhmu ly ggin crwvY ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo; crwvY: Bwrw bolo

thal kaa breham lae gagan charaavai ||1|| rehaao ||

He lifts his soul up from below, to the skies of the Tenth Gate. ||1||Pause||

iKMQw igAwn iDAwn kir sUeI sbdu qwgw miQ GwlY ]

khinthhaa giaan dhhiaan kar sooee sabadh thaagaa mathh ghaalai ||

He makes spiritual wisdom his patched coat, and meditation his needle. He twists the thread of the Word of the Shabad.

pMc qqu kI kir imrgwxI gur kY mwrig cwlY ]2]

panch thath kee kar miragaanee gur kai maarag chaalai ||2||

Making the five elements his deer skin to sit on, he walks on the Guru's Path. ||2||

dieAw PwhurI kwieAw kir DUeI idRsit kI Agin jlwvY ]

aucwrx kWieAW; jlwvY: polw bolo

dhaeiaa faahuree kaaeiaa kar dhhooee dhrisatt kee agan jalaavai ||

He makes compassion his shovel, his body the firewood, and he kindles the fire of divine vision.

iqs kw Bwau ley ird AMqir chu jug qwVI lwvY ]3]

this kaa bhaao leae ridh anthar chahu jug thaarree laavai ||3||

He places love within his heart, and he remains in deep meditation throughout the four ages. ||3||

sB jogqx rwm nwmu hY ijskw ipMfu prwnw ]

aucwrx jog`qx

sabh jogathan raam naam hai jis kaa pindd paraanaa ||

All Yoga is in the Name of the Lord; the body and the breath of life belong to Him.

khu kbIr jy ikrpw DwrY dyie scw nIswnw ]4]7]

kahu kabeer jae kirapaa dhhaarai dhaee sachaa neesaanaa ||4||7||

Says Kabeer, if God grants His Grace, He bestows the insignia of Truth. ||4||7||