soriT mÚ 4 duquky ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw du-quky
sorath ma 4 dhuthukae ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl, Du-Tukas:
Aink jnm ivCuVy duKu pwieAw mnmuiK krm krY AhµkwrI ]
anik janam vishhurrae dhukh paaeiaa manamukh karam karai ahankaaree ||
Separated from the Lord for countless lifetimes, the self-willed manmukh suffers in pain, engaged in acts of egotism.
swDU prsq hI pRBu pwieAw goibd srix qumwrI ]1]
aucwrx pr-sq
saadhhoo parasath hee prabh paaeiaa gobidh saran thumaaree ||1||
Beholding the Holy Saint, I found God; O Lord of the Universe, I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||
goibd pRIiq lgI Aiq ipAwrI ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
gobidh preeth lagee ath piaaree ||
The Love of God is very dear to me.
jb sqsµg Bey swDU jn ihrdY imilAw sWiq murwrI ] rhwau ]
jab sathasang bheae saadhhoo jan hiradhai miliaa saanth muraaree || rehaao ||
When I joined the Sat Sangat, the Company of the Holy People, the Lord, the embodiment of peace, came into my heart. ||Pause||
qU ihrdY gupqu vsih idnu rwqI qyrw Bwau n buJih gvwrI ]
aucwrx bu`Jih
thoo hiradhai gupath vasehi dhin raathee thaeraa bhaao n bujhehi gavaaree ||
You dwell, hidden, within my heart day and night, Lord; but the poor fools do not understand Your Love.
siqguru purKu imilAw pRBu pRgitAw gux gwvY gux vIcwrI ]2]
sathigur purakh miliaa prabh pragattiaa gun gaavai gun veechaaree ||2||
Meeting with the Almighty True Guru, God was revealed to me; I sing His Glorious Praises, and reflect upon His Glories. ||2||
gurmuiK pRgwsu BieAw swiq AweI durmiq buiD invwrI ]
guramukh pragaas bhaeiaa saath aaee dhuramath budhh nivaaree ||
As Gurmukh, I have become enlightened; peace has come, and evil-mindedness has been dispelled from my mind.
Awqm bRhmu cIin suKu pwieAw sqsµgiq purK qumwrI ]3]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
aatham breham cheen sukh paaeiaa sathasangath purakh thumaaree ||3||
Understanding the relationship of the individual soul with God, I have found peace, in Your Sat Sangat, Your True Congregation, O Lord. ||3||
purKY purKu imilAw guru pwieAw ijn kau ikrpw BeI qumwrI ]
purakhai purakh miliaa gur paaeiaa jin ko kirapaa bhee thumaaree ||
Those who are blessed by Your Kind Mercy, meet the Almighty Lord, and find the Guru.
nwnk Aqulu shj suKu pwieAw Anidnu jwgqu rhY bnvwrI ]4]7]
naanak athul sehaj sukh paaeiaa anadhin jaagath rehai banavaaree ||4||7||
Nanak has found the immeasurable, celestial peace; night and day, he remains awake to the Lord, the Master of the Forest of the Universe. ||4||7||