soriT mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw
sorath mehalaa 4 ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
hir isau pRIiq AMqru mnu byiDAw hir ibnu rhxu n jweI ]
har sio preeth anthar man baedhhiaa har bin rehan n jaaee ||
The inner depths of my mind are pierced by love for the Lord; I cannot live without the Lord.
ijau mCulI ibnu nIrY ibnsY iqau nwmY ibnu mir jweI ]1]
jio mashhulee bin neerai binasai thio naamai bin mar jaaee ||1||
Just as the fish dies without water, I die without the Lord's Name. ||1||
myry pRB ikrpw jlu dyvhu hir nweI ]
maerae prabh kirapaa jal dhaevahu har naaee ||
O my God, please bless me with the water of Your Name.
hau AMqir nwmu mMgw idnu rwqI nwmy hI sWiq pweI ] rhwau ]
ho anthar naam mangaa dhin raathee naamae hee saanth paaee || rehaao ||
I beg for Your Name, deep within myself, day and night; through the Name, I find peace. ||Pause||
ijau cwiqRku jl ibnu ibllwvY ibnu jl ipAws n jweI ]
jio chaathrik jal bin bilalaavai bin jal piaas n jaaee ||
The song-bird cries out for lack of water - without water, its thirst cannot be quenched.
gurmuiK jlu pwvY suK shjy hirAw Bwie suBweI ]2]
aucwrx suBweI: 'B' nUµ 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj
guramukh jal paavai sukh sehajae hariaa bhaae subhaaee ||2||
The Gurmukh obtains the water of celestial bliss, and is rejuvenated, blossoming forth through the blessed Love of the Lord. ||2||
mnmuK BUKy dhids folih ibnu nwvY duKu pweI ]
manamukh bhookhae dheh dhis ddolehi bin naavai dhukh paaee ||
The self-willed manmukhs are hungry, wandering around in the ten directions; without the Name, they suffer in pain.
jnim mrY iPir jonI AwvY drgih imlY sjweI ]3]
janam marai fir jonee aavai dharagehi milai sajaaee ||3||
They are born, only to die, and enter into reincarnation again; in the Court of the Lord, they are punished. ||3||
ikRpw krih qw hir gux gwvh hir rsu AMqir pweI ]
kirapaa karehi thaa har gun gaaveh har ras anthar paaee ||
But if the Lord shows His Mercy, then one comes to sing His Glorious Praises; deep within the nucleus of his own self, he finds the sublime essence of the Lord's elixir.
nwnk dIn dieAwl Bey hY iqRsnw sbid buJweI ]4]8]
aucwrx buJweI: polw bolo
naanak dheen dhaeiaal bheae hai thrisanaa sabadh bujhaaee ||4||8||
The Lord has become Merciful to meek Nanak, and through the Word of the Shabad, his desires are quenched. ||4||8||