soriT mhlw 4 ]
aucwrx soriT mh`lw cauQw
sorath mehalaa 4 ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehl:
Awpy syvw lwiedw ipAwrw Awpy Bgiq aumwhw ]
aapae saevaa laaeidhaa piaaraa aapae bhagath oumaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself commits some to His service; He Himself blesses them with the joy of devotional worship.
Awpy gux gwvwiedw ipAwrw Awpy sbid smwhw ]
aapae gun gaavaaeidhaa piaaraa aapae sabadh samaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself causes us to sing His Glorious Praises; He Himself is absorbed in the Word of His Shabad.
Awpy lyKix Awip ilKwrI Awpy lyKu ilKwhw ]1]
aapae laekhan aap likhaaree aapae laekh likhaahaa ||1||
He Himself is the pen, and He Himself is the scribe; He Himself inscribes His inscription. ||1||
myry mn jip rwm nwmu Emwhw ]
maerae man jap raam naam oumaahaa ||
O my mind, joyfully chant the Name of the Lord.
Anidnu Andu hovY vfBwgI lY guir pUrY hir lwhw ] rhwau ]
anadhin anadh hovai vaddabhaagee lai gur poorai har laahaa || rehaao ||
Those very fortunate ones are in ecstasy night and day; through the Perfect Guru, they obtain the profit of the Lord's Name. ||Pause||
Awpy gopI kwnu hY ipAwrw bin Awpy gaU crwhw ]
aucwrx kwnu: ‘k’ Bwrw krky
aapae gopee kaan hai piaaraa ban aapae goo charaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself is the milk-maid and Krishna; He Himself herds the cows in the woods.
Awpy swvl suµdrw ipAwrw Awpy vMsu vjwhw ]
aapae saaval sundharaa piaaraa aapae vans vajaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself is the blue-skinned, handsome one; He Himself plays on His flute.
kuvlIAwpIVu Awip mrwiedw ipAwrw kir bwlk rUip pcwhw ]2]
aucwrx kuvlIAw-pIVu: polw bolo
kuvaleeaa peerr aap maraaeidhaa piaaraa kar baalak roop pachaahaa ||2||
The Beloved Himself took the form of a child, and destroyed Kuwalia-peer, the mad elephant. ||2||
Awip AKwVw pwiedw ipAwrw kir vyKY Awip cojwhw ]
aap akhaarraa paaeidhaa piaaraa kar vaekhai aap chojaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself sets the stage; He performs the plays, and He Himself watches them.
kir bwlk rUp aupwiedw ipAwrw cMfUru kMsu kysu mwrwhw ]
kar baalak roop oupaaeidhaa piaaraa chanddoor kans kaes maaraahaa ||
The Beloved Himself assumed the form of the child, and killed the demons Chandoor, Kansa and Kaysee.
Awpy hI blu Awip hY ipAwrw blu BMnY mUrK mugDwhw ]3]
aucwrx mug-Dwhw: 'd'-'D' dI sWJI Avwj
aapae hee bal aap hai piaaraa bal bhannai moorakh mugadhhaahaa ||3||
The Beloved Himself, by Himself, is the embodiment of power; He shatters the power of the fools and idiots. ||3||
sBu Awpy jgqu aupwiedw ipAwrw vis Awpy jugiq hQwhw ]
sabh aapae jagath oupaaeidhaa piaaraa vas aapae jugath hathhaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself created the whole world. In His hands He holds the power of the ages.
gil jyvVI Awpy pwiedw ipAwrw ijau pRBu iKMcY iqau jwhw ]
gal jaevarree aapae paaeidhaa piaaraa jio prabh khinchai thio jaahaa ||
The Beloved Himself puts the chains around their necks; as God pulls them, must they go.
jo grbY so pcsI ipAwry jip nwnk Bgiq smwhw ]4]6]
jo garabai so pachasee piaarae jap naanak bhagath samaahaa ||4||6||
Whoever harbors pride shall be destroyed, O Beloved; meditating on the Lord, Nanak is absorbed in devotional worship. ||4||6||