SGGSAng 358Raag AsaMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

dIvw myrw eyku nwmu duKu ivic pwieAw qylu ]

dheevaa maeraa eaek naam dhukh vich paaeiaa thael ||

The One Name is my lamp; I have put the oil of suffering into it.

auin cwnix Ehu soiKAw cUkw jm isau mylu ]1]

oun chaanan ouhu sokhiaa chookaa jam sio mael ||1||

Its flame has dried up this oil, and I have escaped my meeting with the Messenger of Death. ||1||

lokw mq ko PkiV pwie ]

aucwrx mq: polw bolo

lokaa math ko fakarr paae ||

O people, do not make fun of me.

lK miVAw kir eykTy eyk rqI ly Bwih ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx l`K; eyk-Ty; r`qI

lakh marriaa kar eaekathae eaek rathee lae bhaahi ||1|| rehaao ||

Thousands of wooden logs, piled up together, need only a tiny flame to burn. ||1||Pause||

ipMfu pqil myrI kysau ikirAw scu nwmu krqwru ]

aucwrx p`qil

pindd pathal maeree kaeso kiriaa sach naam karathaar ||

The Lord is my festive dish, of rice balls on leafy plates; the True Name of the Creator Lord is my funeral ceremony.

AYQY EQY AwgY pwCY eyhu myrw AwDwru ]2]

aithhai outhhai aagai paashhai eaehu maeraa aadhhaar ||2||

Here and hereafter, in the past and in the future, this is my support. ||2||

gMg bnwris isPiq qumwrI nwvY Awqmrwau ]

aucwrx b-nwris; nwvY: 'n' Bwrw krky

gang banaaras sifath thumaaree naavai aatham raao ||

The Lord's Praise is my River Ganges and my city of Benares; my soul takes its sacred cleansing bath there.

scw nwvxu qW QIAY jW Aihinis lwgY Bwau ]3]

aucwrx nwvxu: 'n' Bwrw krky bolo

sachaa naavan thaan thheeai jaan ahinis laagai bhaao ||3||

That becomes my true cleansing bath, if night and day, I enshrine love for You. ||3||

iek lokI horu CimCrI bRwhmxu vit ipMfu Kwie ]

aucwrx Cim-CrI; v`it

eik lokee hor shhamishharee braahaman vatt pindd khaae ||

The rice balls are offered to the gods and the dead ancestors, but it is the Brahmins who eat them!

nwnk ipMfu bKsIs kw kbhUµ inKUtis nwih ]4]2]32]

naanak pindd bakhasees kaa kabehoon nikhoottas naahi ||4||2||32||

O Nanak, the rice balls of the Lord are a gift which is never exhausted. ||4||2||32||