SGGSAng 358Raag AsaMahalla 113 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw Gru 3 mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw Gru qIjw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa ghar 3 mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, Third House, First Mehl:

lK lskr lK vwjy nyjy lK auiT krih slwmu ]

aucwrx l`K; l`K; l`K

lakh lasakar lakh vaajae naejae lakh outh karehi salaam ||

You may have thousands of armies, thousands of marching bands and lances, and thousands of men to rise and salute you.

lKw aupir Purmwieis qyrI lK auiT rwKih mwnu ]

aucwrx l`K; l`K

lakhaa oupar furamaaeis thaeree lakh outh raakhehi maan ||

Your rule may extend over thousands of miles, and thousands of men may rise to honor you.

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW siB inrwPl kwm ]1]

jaan path laekhai naa pavai thaan sabh niraafal kaam ||1||

But, if your honor is of no account to the Lord, then all of your ostentatious show is useless. ||1||

hir ky nwm ibnw jgu DMDw ]

har kae naam binaa jag dhhandhhaa ||

Without the Name of the Lord, the world is in turmoil.

jy bhuqw smJweIAY Bolw BI so AMDo AMDw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx Bolw: polw bolo

jae bahuthaa samajhaaeeai bholaa bhee so andhho andhhaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Even though the fool may be taught again and again, he remains the blindest of the blind. ||1||Pause||

lK KtIAih lK sµjIAih Kwjih lK Awvih lK jwih ]

aucwrx l`K; l`K; l`K; l`K

lakh khatteeahi lakh sanjeeahi khaajehi lakh aavehi lakh jaahi ||

You may earn thousands, collect thousands, and spend thousands of dollars; thousands may come, and thousands may go.

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW jIA ikQY iPir pwih ]2]

jaan path laekhai naa pavai thaan jeea kithhai fir paahi ||2||

But, if your honor is of no account to the Lord, then where will you go to find a safe haven? ||2||

lK swsq smJwvxI lK pMifq pVih purwx ]

aucwrx l`K; l`K

lakh saasath samajhaavanee lakh panddith parrehi puraan ||

Thousands of Shaastras may be explained to the mortal, and thousands of Pandits may read the Puraanas to him;

jW piq lyKY nw pvY qW sBy kuprvwx ]3]

aucwrx s`By; ku-prvwx

jaan path laekhai naa pavai thaan sabhae kuparavaan ||3||

But, if his honor is of no account to the Lord, then all of this is unacceptable. ||3||

sc nwim piq aUpjY krim nwmu krqwru ]

sach naam path oopajai karam naam karathaar ||

Honor comes from the True Name, the Name of the Merciful Creator.

Aihinis ihrdY jy vsY nwnk ndrI pwru ]4]1]31]

ahinis hiradhai jae vasai naanak nadharee paar ||4||1||31||

If it abides in the heart, day and night, O Nanak, then the mortal shall swim across, by His Grace. ||4||1||31||