12: jqI sqI Awidk
The celebates and virtuous etc.
jqI sqI sMqoKIAw jq sq jugiq sMqoK n jwqI ]
jatee satee santokheeaa jat sat jougati santokh n jaatee.
So called celibates, virtuous and contented ones have also not understood contentment, the actual technique of celibacy and other virtues.
isD nwQu bhu pMQ kir haumY ivic krin krmwqI ]
sidh naadu bahu pand kari haoumai vichi karani karamaatee.
The siddhas and naths controlled by ego and divided into many sects roam hither and thither showing miraculous feats.
cwir vrn sMswr ivic Kih Kih mrdy Brim BrwqI ]
chaari varan sansaar vichi khahi khahi maraday bharami bharaatee.
All the four varnas in the world going astray in delusions are clashing with one another.
iCA drsn hoie vriqAw bwrh vwt aucwt jmwqI ]
chhia darasan hoi varatiaa baarah vaat ouchaat jamaatee.
Under the aegis of the six Shastras, yogis have adopted twelve ways and becoming indifferent to the world have gone away from its responsibilities.
gurmuiK vrn Avrn hoie rMg surMg qMbol suhwqI ]
guramoukhi varan avaran hoi rang surang tanbol suvaatee.
Gurmukh, who is beyond varnas and its further denominations, is like the betel leaf, which out of various colours adopts one steadfast colour (red) of all the virtues.
iCA ruiq bwrh mwh ivic gurmuiK drsnu suJ suJwqI ]
chhia routi baarah maah vichi guramoukhi darasanu sujh sujhaatee.
In the six seasons and twelve months as and when the gurmukh is visualized, he enlightens all like the sun of knowledge.
gurmuiK suK Plu iprm iprwqI ]12]
guramoukhi soukh phalu piram piraatee ||12||
The delightful fruit for gurmukhs is his love for the Lord.