Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
mnu mYglu swkqu dyvwnw ]
man maigal saakath dhaevaanaa ||
The mind of the faithless cynic is like a crazy elephant.
bn KMif mwieAw moih hYrwnw ]
ban khandd maaeiaa mohi hairaanaa ||
It wanders around the forest, distracted by attachment to Maya.
ieq auq jwih kwl ky cwpy ]
eith outh jaahi kaal kae chaapae ||
It goes here and there, hounded by death.
gurmuiK Koij lhY Gru Awpy ]1]
guramukh khoj lehai ghar aapae ||1||
The Gurmukh seeks, and finds his own home. ||1||
ibnu gur sbdY mnu nhI Taurw ]
bin gur sabadhai man nehee thouraa ||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the mind finds no place of rest.
ismrhu rwm nwmu Aiq inrmlu Avr iqAwghu haumY kaurw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo
simarahu raam naam ath niramal avar thiaagahu houmai kouraa ||1|| rehaao ||
Remember in meditation the Lord's Name, the most pure and sublime; renounce your bitter egotism. ||1||Pause||
iehu mnu mugDu khhu ikau rhsI ]
aucwrx mugDu: 'g' nwl bolo (ASuD: muGDu)
eihu man mugadhh kehahu kio rehasee ||
Tell me, how can this stupid mind be rescued?
ibnu smJy jm kw duKu shsI ]
bin samajhae jam kaa dhukh sehasee ||
Without understanding, it shall suffer the pains of death.
Awpy bKsy siqguru mylY ]
aapae bakhasae sathigur maelai ||
The Lord Himself forgives us, and unites us with the True Guru.
kwlu kMtku mwry scu pylY ]2]
kaal kanttak maarae sach paelai ||2||
The True Lord conquers and overcomes the tortures of death. ||2||
iehu mnu krmw iehu mnu Drmw ]
eihu man karamaa eihu man dhharamaa ||
This mind commits its deeds of karma, and this mind follows the Dharma.
iehu mnu pMc qqu qy jnmw ]
eihu man panch thath thae janamaa ||
This mind is born of the five elements.
swkqu loBI iehu mnu mUVw ]
saakath lobhee eihu man moorraa ||
This foolish mind is perverted and greedy.
gurmuiK nwmu jpY mnu rUVw ]3]
guramukh naam japai man roorraa ||3||
Chanting the Naam, the mind of the Gurmukh becomes beautiful. ||3||
gurmuiK mnu AsQwny soeI ]
guramukh man asathhaanae soee ||
The mind of the Gurmukh finds the Lord's home.
gurmuiK iqRBvix soJI hoeI ]
guramukh thribhavan sojhee hoee ||
The Gurmukh comes to know the three worlds.
iehu mnu jogI BogI qpu qwpY ]
eihu man jogee bhogee thap thaapai ||
This mind is a Yogi, an enjoyer, a practicer of austerities.
gurmuiK cInY hir pRBu AwpY ]4]
guramukh cheenaih har prabh aapai ||4||
The Gurmukh understands the Lord God Himself. ||4||
mnu bYrwgI haumY iqAwgI ]
man bairaagee houmai thiaagee ||
This mind is a detached renunciate, forsaking egotism.
Git Git mnsw duibDw lwgI ]
ghatt ghatt manasaa dhubidhhaa laagee ||
Desire and duality afflict each and every heart.
rwm rswiexu gurmuiK cwKY ]
raam rasaaein guramukh chaakhai ||
The Gurmukh drinks in the Lord's sublime essence;
dir Gir mhlI hir piq rwKY ]5]
dhar ghar mehalee har path raakhai ||5||
At His Door, in the Mansion of the Lord's Presence, He preserves his honor. ||5||
iehu mnu rwjw sUr sµgRwim ]
eihu man raajaa soor sangraam ||
This mind is the king, the hero of cosmic battles.
iehu mnu inrBau gurmuiK nwim ]
eihu man nirabho guramukh naam ||
The mind of the Gurmukh becomes fearless through the Naam.
mwry pMc ApunY vis kIey ]
maarae panch apunai vas keeeae ||
Overpowering and subduing the five passions,
haumY gRwis iekqu Qwie kIey ]6]
aucwrx iekqu: polw bolo (ASuD: iek`qu)
houmai graas eikath thhaae keeeae ||6||
Holding ego in its grip, it confines them to one place. ||6||
gurmuiK rwg suAwd An iqAwgy ]
guramukh raag suaadh an thiaagae ||
The Gurmukh renounces other songs and tastes.
gurmuiK iehu mnu BgqI jwgy ]
guramukh eihu man bhagathee jaagae ||
The mind of the Gurmukh is awakened to devotion.
Anhd suix mwinAw sbdu vIcwrI ]
anehadh sun maaniaa sabadh veechaaree ||
Hearing the unstruck music of the sound current, this mind contemplates the Shabad, and accepts it.
Awqmu cIin Bey inrµkwrI ]7]
aatham cheenih bheae nirankaaree ||7||
Understanding itself, this soul becomes attuned to the Formless Lord. ||7||
iehu mnu inrmlu dir Gir soeI ]
eihu man niramal dhar ghar soee ||
This mind becomes immaculately pure, in the Court and the Home of the Lord.
gurmuiK Bgiq Bwau Duin hoeI ]
guramukh bhagath bhaao dhhun hoee ||
The Gurmukh shows his love through loving devotional worship.
Aihinis hir jsu gurprswid ]
ahinis har jas gur parasaadh ||
Night and day, by Guru's Grace, sing the Lord's Praises.
Git Git so pRBu Awid jugwid ]8]
ghatt ghatt so prabh aadh jugaadh ||8||
God dwells in each and every heart, since the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages. ||8||
rwm rswieix iehu mnu mwqw ]
aucwrx mwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
raam rasaaein eihu man maathaa ||
This mind is intoxicated with the sublime essence of the Lord;
srb rswiexu gurmuiK jwqw ]
sarab rasaaein guramukh jaathaa ||
The Gurmukh realizes the essence of totality.
Bgiq hyqu gur crx invwsw ]
bhagath haeth gur charan nivaasaa ||
For the sake of devotional worship, he dwells at the Guru's Feet.
nwnk hir jn ky dwsin dwsw ]9]8]
naanak har jan kae dhaasan dhaasaa ||9||8||
Nanak is the humble servant of the slave of the Lord's slaves. ||9||8||