Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
qnu ibnsY Dnu kw ko khIAY ]
aucwrx kw ko: v`Krw krky
than binasai dhhan kaa ko keheeai ||
When the body perishes, whose wealth is it?
ibnu gur rwm nwmu kq lhIAY ]
bin gur raam naam kath leheeai ||
Without the Guru, how can the Lord's Name be obtained?
rwm nwm Dnu sµig sKweI ]
raam naam dhhan sang sakhaaee ||
The wealth of the Lord's Name is my Companion and Helper.
Aihinis inrmlu hir ilv lweI ]1]
ahinis niramal har liv laaee ||1||
Night and day, center your loving attention on the Immaculate Lord. ||1||
rwm nwm ibnu kvnu hmwrw ]
raam naam bin kavan hamaaraa ||
Without the Lord's Name, who is ours?
suK duK sm kir nwmu n Cofau Awpy bKis imlwvxhwrw ]1] rhwau ]
sukh dhukh sam kar naam n shhoddo aapae bakhas milaavanehaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||
I look upon pleasure and pain alike; I shall not forsake the Naam, the Name of the Lord. The Lord Himself forgives me, and blends me with Himself. ||1||Pause||
kink kwmnI hyqu gvwrw ]
kanik kaamanee haeth gavaaraa ||
The fool loves gold and women.
duibDw lwgy nwmu ivswrw ]
dhubidhhaa laagae naam visaaraa ||
Attached to duality, he has forgotten the Naam.
ijsu qUµ bKsih nwmu jpwie ]
jis thoon bakhasehi naam japaae ||
O Lord, he alone chants the Naam, whom You have forgiven.
dUqu n lwig skY gun gwie ]2]
dhooth n laag sakai gun gaae ||2||
Death cannot touch one who sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||2||
hir guru dwqw rwm gupwlw ]
har gur dhaathaa raam gupaalaa ||
The Lord, the Guru, is the Giver; the Lord, the Sustainer of the World.
ijau BwvY iqau rwKu dieAwlw ]
jio bhaavai thio raakh dhaeiaalaa ||
If it is pleasing to Your Will, please preserve me, O Merciful Lord.
gurmuiK rwmu myrY min BwieAw ]
guramukh raam maerai man bhaaeiaa ||
As Gurmukh, my mind is pleased with the Lord.
rog imty duKu Twik rhwieAw ]3]
rog mittae dhukh thaak rehaaeiaa ||3||
My diseases are cured, and my pains are taken away. ||3||
Avru n AauKDu qMq n mMqw ]
avar n aoukhadhh thanth n manthaa ||
There is no other medicine, Tantric charm or mantra.
hir hir ismrxu iklivK hµqw ]
har har simaran kilavikh hanthaa ||
Meditative remembrance upon the Lord, Har, Har, destroys sins.
qUµ Awip Bulwvih nwmu ivswir ]
thoon aap bhulaavehi naam visaar ||
You Yourself cause us to stray from the path, and forget the Naam.
qUµ Awpy rwKih ikrpw Dwir ]4]
thoon aapae raakhehi kirapaa dhhaar ||4||
Showering Your Mercy, You Yourself save us. ||4||
rogu Brmu Bydu min dUjw ]
rog bharam bhaedh man dhoojaa ||
The mind is diseased with doubt, superstition and duality.
gur ibnu Brim jpih jpu dUjw ]
gur bin bharam japehi jap dhoojaa ||
Without the Guru, it dwells in doubt, and contemplates duality.
Awid purK gur drs n dyKih ]
aadh purakh gur dharasan dhaekhehi ||
The Guru reveals the Darshan, the Blessed Vision of the Primal Lord.
ivxu gur sbdY jnmu ik lyKih ]5]
vin gur sabadhai janam k laekhehi ||5||
Without the Word of the Guru's Shabad, what use is human life? ||5||
dyiK Acrju rhy ibsmwid ]
aucwrx Ac-rju
dhaekh acharaj rehae bisamaadh ||
Beholding the Marvellous Lord, I am wonder-struck and astonished.
Git Git sur nr shj smwiD ]
ghatt ghatt sur nar sehaj samaadhh ||
In each and every heart, of the angels and holy men, He dwells in celestial Samaadhi.
Birpuir Dwir rhy mn mwhI ]
bharipur dhhaar rehae man maahee ||
I have enshrined the All-pervading Lord within my mind.
qum smsir Avru ko nwhI ]6]
thum samasar avar ko naahee ||6||
There is no one else equal to You. ||6||
jw kI Bgiq hyqu muiK nwmu ]
jaa kee bhagath haeth mukh naam ||
For the sake of devotional worship, we chant Your Name.
sMq Bgq kI sµgiq rwmu ]
santh bhagath kee sangath raam ||
The Lord's devotees dwell in the Society of the Saints.
bµDn qory shij iDAwnu ]
bandhhan thorae sehaj dhhiaan ||
Breaking his bonds, one comes to meditate on the Lord.
CUtY gurmuiK hir gur igAwnu ]7]
shhoottai guramukh har gur giaan ||7||
The Gurmukhs are emancipated, by the Guru-given knowledge of the Lord. ||7||
nw jmdUq dUKu iqsu lwgY ]
naa jamadhooth dhookh this laagai ||
The Messenger of Death cannot touch him with pain;
jo jnu rwm nwim ilv jwgY ]
jo jan raam naam liv jaagai ||
The Lord's humble servant remains awake to the Love of the Naam.
Bgiq vClu Bgqw hir sµig ]
bhagath vashhal bhagathaa har sang ||
The Lord is the Lover of His devotees; He dwells with His devotees.
nwnk mukiq Bey hir rµig ]8]9]
naanak mukath bheae har rang ||8||9||
O Nanak, they are liberated, through the Love of the Lord. ||8||9||