Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
gwvih gIqy cIiq AnIqy ]
gaavehi geethae cheeth aneethae ||
They sing religious songs, but their consciousness is wicked.
rwg suxwie khwvih bIqy ]
raag sunaae kehaavehi beethae ||
They sing the songs, and call themselves divine,
ibnu nwvY min JUTu AnIqy ]1]
bin naavai man jhooth aneethae ||1||
But without the Name, their minds are false and wicked. ||1||
khw clhu mn rhhu Gry ]
kehaa chalahu man rehahu gharae ||
Where are you going? O mind, remain in your own home.
gurmuiK rwm nwim iqRpqwsy Kojq pwvhu shij hry ]1] rhwau ]
guramukh raam naam thripathaasae khojath paavahu sehaj harae ||1|| rehaao ||
The Gurmukhs are satisfied with the Lord's Name; searching, they easily find the Lord. ||1||Pause||
kwmu kRoDu min mohu srIrw ]
kaam krodhh man mohu sareeraa ||
Sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment fill the mind and body;
lbu loBu Ahµkwru su pIrw ]
lab lobh ahankaar s peeraa ||
Greed and egotism lead only to pain.
rwm nwm ibnu ikau mnu DIrw ]2]
raam naam bin kio man dhheeraa ||2||
How can the mind be comforted without the Lord's Name? ||2||
AMqir nwvxu swcu pCwxY ]
aucwrx nwvxu: 'n' Bwrw krky bolo
anthar naavan saach pashhaanai ||
One who cleanses himself within, knows the True Lord.
AMqr kI giq gurmuiK jwxY ]
anthar kee gath guramukh jaanai ||
The Gurmukh knows the condition of his innermost being.
swc sbd ibnu mhlu n pCwxY ]3]
saach sabadh bin mehal n pashhaanai ||3||
Without the True Word of the Shabad, the Mansion of the Lord's Presence is not realized. ||3||
inrµkwr mih Awkwru smwvY ]
nirankaar mehi aakaar samaavai ||
One who merges his form into the Formless Lord,
Akl klw scu swic itkwvY ]
aucwrx Akl: polw bolo (ASuD: A-kl)
akal kalaa sach saach ttikaavai ||
Abides in the True Lord, the Powerful, beyond power.
so nru grB join nhI AwvY ]4]
so nar garabh jon nehee aavai ||4||
Such a person does not enter into the womb of reincarnation again. ||4||
jhw nwmu imlY qh jwau ]
jehaan naam milai theh jaao ||
Go there, where you may obtain the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
gurprswdI krm kmwau ]
gur parasaadhee karam kamaao ||
By Guru's Grace, perform good deeds.
nwmy rwqw hir gux gwau ]5]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
naamae raathaa har gun gaao ||5||
Imbued with the Naam, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||
gur syvw qy Awpu pCwqw ]
gur saevaa thae aap pashhaathaa ||
Serving the Guru, I have come to understand myself.
AMimRq nwmu visAw suKdwqw ]
anmrith naam vasiaa sukhadhaathaa ||
The Ambrosial Naam, the Giver of Peace, abides within my mind.
Anidnu bwxI nwmy rwqw ]6]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
anadhin baanee naamae raathaa ||6||
Night and day, I am imbued with the Word of the Guru's Bani, and the Naam. ||6||
myrw pRBu lwey qw ko lwgY ]
maeraa prabh laaeae thaa ko laagai ||
When my God attaches someone to Him, only then is that person attached.
haumY mwry sbdy jwgY ]
houmai maarae sabadhae jaagai ||
Conquering ego, he remains awake to the Word of the Shabad.
AYQY EQY sdw suKu AwgY ]7]
aithhai outhhai sadhaa sukh aagai ||7||
Here and hereafter, he enjoys lasting peace. ||7||
mnu cMclu ibiD nwhI jwxY ]
man chanchal bidhh naahee jaanai ||
The fickle mind does not know the way.
mnmuiK mYlw sbdu n pCwxY ]
manamukh mailaa sabadh n pashhaanai ||
The filthy self-willed manmukh does not understand the Shabad.
gurmuiK inrmlu nwmu vKwxY ]8]
guramukh niramal naam vakhaanai ||8||
The Gurmukh chants the Immaculate Naam. ||8||
hir jIau AwgY krI Ardwis ]
har jeeo aagai karee aradhaas ||
I offer my prayer to the Lord,
swDU jn sµgiq hoie invwsu ]
saadhhoo jan sangath hoe nivaas ||
That I might dwell in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
iklivK duK kwty hir nwmu pRgwsu ]9]
kilavikh dhukh kaattae har naam pragaas ||9||
There, sins and sufferings are erased, and one is illumined with the Lord's Name. ||9||
kir bIcwru Awcwru prwqw ]
kar beechaar aachaar paraathaa ||
In reflective meditation, I have come to love good conduct.
siqgur bcnI eyko jwqw ]
sathigur bachanee eaeko jaathaa ||
Through the Word of the True Guru, I recognize the One Lord.
nwnk rwm nwim mnu rwqw ]10]7]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
naanak raam naam man raathaa ||10||7||
O Nanak, my mind is imbued with the Lord's Name. ||10||7||