Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

3: AswD siqgMg ny swDy

Chronic ailments cured

sbd suriq imil swDsMig gurmuiK duK suK smkir swDy ]

sabad surati mili saadhasangi guramoukhi doukh soukh sam kari saadhay.

In the holy congregation, getting attuned to the Word, the gurmukh treats pains and joys in the same vein.

haumY durmiq prhrI gurmiq siqgur purKu AwrwDy ]

haoumai duramati paraharee guramati satigur purakhu aaraadhay.

He renounces egotist ill thoughts and adopting the teachings of the true Guru adores the Timeless Lord.

isv skqI no lMiGkY gurmuiK suK Plu shj smwDy ]

siv sakatee no laghi kai guramoukhi soukh phalu sahaj samaadhay.

Going beyond the phenomena of the Siva-Sakti (maya), the Gurnzukh calmly merges in the fruits of delight.

guru prmysru eyk jwix dUjw Bwau imtwie aupwDy ]

guru paramaysaru ayku jaani doojaa bhaau mitaai oupaadhay.

Considering Guru and God as one, he decimates the ills of the sense of duality.

jMmx mrxhu bwhry Ajrwvir imil Agm AgwDy ]

janman maranahu baaharay ajaraavari mili agam agaadhay.

Gurmukhs go out of the cycle of transmigration and meeting that unapproachable and unfathomable Lord go away from the impacts of time (oldage).

Aws n qRws audws Gir hrK sog ivhu AMimRq KwDy ]

aas n traas udaas ghari harakh sog vihu anmrit khaadhay.

Hopes and fears do not torture them. They reside in home while being detached and to them nectar or poison, happiness and sorrows are all the same.

mhw AswD swDsMg swDy ]3]

mahaa asaadh saadhasang saadhay ||3||

In the holy congregation, the frightening chronic ailments are also cured.