Bhai Gurdas JiAng 13Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 137 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

13: pRym rs dI iek inmK

One moment of the joy of love

gurmuiK suK Plu iprm rsu iqlu AlKu AlyKY ]

guramoukhi soukh phalu piram rasu tilu alakhu alaykhai.

Even a fraction of pleasure fruit of gurmukhs in the form of joy of love is imperceptible and beyond all accounts.

lK caurwsIh jUin ivic jIA jMq ivsyKY ]

lakh chauraaseeh jooni vichi jeea jant visaykhai.

Many are the creatures in the eighty-four lacs of species.

sBnw dI romwvlI bhu ibiD bhu ByKY ]

sabhanaa dee romaavalee bahu bidhi bahu bhaykhai.

They all have variegated colour of their trichomes.

roim roim lK lK isr muhu lK sryKY ]

romi romi lakh lakh sir muhu lakh saraykhai.

If to their single hair millions of heads and mouths were joined;

lK lK muih muih jIBu kir suix bolY dyKY ]

lakh lakh muhi muhi jeebhu kari souni bolai daykhai.

If such million of mouths could speak through their millions of tongues;

sMK AsMK iekIh vIh smsr n inmyKY ]13]

sankh asankh ikeeh veeh samasari n nimaykhai ||13||

If myriad times more the world were created, even then it cannot equal the one moment (of the delight of love).