Bhai Gurdas JiAng 13Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 137 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

12: pRym p´wly dI iek bUMd

One drop of the cup of love

gurmuiK suK Plu pRym rsu Aibgiq giq BweI ]

guramoukhi soukh phalu praym rasu abigati gati bhaaee.

Ineffable is the taste of the joy of love, which is the pleasure fruit of the gurmukhs.

pwrwvwru Apwru hY ko Awie n jweI ]

paaraavaaru apaaru hai ko aai n jaaee.

It’s this shore and the yonder one are beyond limits none can reach it.

Awid AMiq prjMq nwih prmwid vfweI ]

aadi anti parajant naahi paramaadi vadaaee.

Its beginning and end are unfathomable and its grandeur is most eminent.

hwQ n pwie AQwh dI Asgwh smweI ]

haad n paai adaah dee asagaah samaaee.

It is so much that many of the oceans immerse in it yet its depth remains unknown.

iprm ipAwly bUMd iek ikin kImiq pweI ]

piram piaalay boond ik kini keemati paaee.

Who could evaluate even one drop of such a cup of love.

Agmhu Agm AgwiD boD gur AlKu lKweI ]12]

agamahu agam agaadhi bodh gur alakhu lakhaaee ||12||

It is inaccessible and its knowledge is unfathomable, but the Guru can make one realise this imperceptible cup of love.