mwrU mhlw 5 Gru 8 AMjulIAw
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pMjvw Gru ATvw AMjulIAw
maaroo mehalaa 5 ghar 8 anjuleeaa
Maaroo, Fifth Mehl, Eighth House, Anjulees ~ With Hands Cupped In Prayer:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
ijsu igRih bhuqu iqsY igRih icMqw ]
jis grihi bahuth thisai grihi chinthaa ||
The household which is filled with abundance - that household suffers anxiety.
ijsu igRih QorI su iPrY BRmMqw ]
aucwrx QorI: 'r' nwl bolo---
jis grihi thhoree s firai bhramanthaa ||
One whose household has little, wanders around searching for more.
duhU ibvsQw qy jo mukqw soeI suhylw BwlIAY ]1]
aucwrx ibv`sQw
dhuhoo bivasathhaa thae jo mukathaa soee suhaelaa bhaaleeai ||1||
He alone is happy and at peace, who is liberated from both conditions. ||1||
igRh rwj mih nrku audws kroDw ]
grih raaj mehi narak oudhaas karodhhaa ||
Householders and kings fall into hell, along with renunciates and angry men,
bhu ibiD byd pwT siB soDw ]
bahu bidhh baedh paath sabh sodhhaa ||
And all those who study and recite the Vedas in so many ways.
dyhI mih jo rhY Ailpqw iqsu jn kI pUrn GwlIAY ]2]
aucwrx A-ilpqw
dhaehee mehi jo rehai alipathaa this jan kee pooran ghaaleeai ||2||
Perfect is the work of that humble servant, who remains unattached while in the body. ||2||
jwgq sUqw Brim ivgUqw ]
jaagath soothaa bharam vigoothaa ||
The mortal sleeps, even while he is awake; he is being plundered by doubt.
ibnu gur mukiq n hoeIAY mIqw ]
bin gur mukath n hoeeai meethaa ||
Without the Guru, liberation is not obtained, friend.
swDsµig qutih hau bµDn eyko eyku inhwlIAY ]3]
saadhhasang thuttehi ho bandhhan eaeko eaek nihaaleeai ||3||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, the bonds of egotism are released, and one comes to behold the One and only Lord. ||3||
krm krY q bµDw nh krY q inMdw ]
karam karai th bandhhaa neh karai th nindhaa ||
Doing deeds, one is placed in bondage; but if he does not act, he is slandered.
moh mgn mnu ivAwipAw icµdw ]
aucwrx mgn: polw bolo
moh magan man viaapiaa chindhaa ||
Intoxicated with emotional attachment, the mind is afflicted with anxiety.
gurpRswid suKu duKu sm jwxY Git Git rwmu ihAwlIAY ]4]
gur prasaadh sukh dhukh sam jaanai ghatt ghatt raam hiaaleeai ||4||
One who looks alike upon pleasure and pain, by Guru's Grace, sees the Lord in each and every heart. ||4||
sµswrY mih shsw ibAwpY ]
sansaarai mehi sehasaa biaapai ||
Within the world, one is afflicted by skepticism;
AkQ kQw Agocr nhI jwpY ]
akathh kathhaa agochar nehee jaapai ||
He does not know the imperceptible Unspoken Speech of the Lord.
ijsih buJwey soeI bUJY Ehu bwlk vwgI pwlIAY ]5]
aucwrx bu`Jwey; bU`JY
jisehi bujhaaeae soee boojhai ouhu baalak vaagee paaleeai ||5||
He alone understands, whom the Lord inspires to understand. The Lord cherishes him as His child. ||5||
Coif bhY qau CUtY nwhI ]
shhodd behai tho shhoottai naahee ||
He may try to abandon Maya, but he is not released.
jau sµcY qau Bau mn mwhI ]
jo sanchai tho bho man maahee ||
If he collects things, then his mind is afraid of losing them.
ieshI mih ijskI piq rwKY iqsu swDU cauru FwlIAY ]6]
eis hee mehi jis kee path raakhai this saadhhoo chour dtaaleeai ||6||
I wave the fly-brush over that holy person, whose honor is protected in the midst of Maya. ||6||
jo sUrw iqshI hoie mrxw ]
jo sooraa this hee hoe maranaa ||
He alone is a warrior hero, who remains dead to the world.
jo BwgY iqsu jonI iPrxw ]
jo bhaagai this jonee firanaa ||
One who runs away will wander in reincarnation.
jo vrqwey soeI Bl mwnY buiJ hukmY durmiq jwlIAY ]7]
aucwrx bu`iJ
jo varathaaeae soee bhal maanai bujh hukamai dhuramath jaaleeai ||7||
Whatever happens, accept that as good. Realize the Hukam of His Command, and your evil-mindedness will be burnt away. ||7||
ijqu ijqu lwvih iqqu iqqu lgnw ]
jith jith laavehi thith thith laganaa ||
Whatever He links us to, to that we are linked.
kir kir vyKY Apxy jcnw ]
kar kar vaekhai apanae jachanaa ||
He acts, and does, and watches over His Creation.
nwnk ky pUrn suKdwqy qU dyih q nwmu smwlIAY ]8]1]7]
naanak kae pooran sukhadhaathae thoo dhaehi th naam samaaleeai ||8||1||7||
You are the Giver of peace, the Perfect Lord of Nanak; as You grant Your blessings, I dwell upon Your Name. ||8||1||7||