SGGSAng 413Raag AsaMahalla 127 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw pihlw

raag aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

Awpu vIcwrY su prKy hIrw ]

aap veechaarai s parakhae heeraa ||

One who contemplates his own self, tests the worth of the jewel.

eyk idRsit qwry gur pUrw ]

eaek dhrisatt thaarae gur pooraa ||

With a single glance, the Perfect Guru saves him.

guru mwnY mn qy mnu DIrw ]1]

gur maanai man thae man dhheeraa ||1||

When the Guru is pleased, one's mind comforts itself. ||1||

AYsw swhu srwPI krY ]

aisaa saahu saraafee karai ||

He is such a banker, who tests us.

swcI ndir eyk ilv qrY ]1] rhwau ]

saachee nadhar eaek liv tharai ||1|| rehaao ||

By His True Glance of Grace, we are blessed with the Love of the One Lord, and are saved. ||1||Pause||

pUMjI nwmu inrµjn swru ]

poonjee naam niranjan saar ||

The capital of the Naam is immaculate and sublime.

inrmlu swic rqw pYkwru ]

aucwrx r`qw

niramal saach rathaa paikaar ||

That peddler is rendered pure, who is imbued with the Truth.

isPiq shj Gir guru krqwru ]2]

sifath sehaj ghar gur karathaar ||2||

Praising the Lord, in the house of poise, he attains the Guru, the Creator. ||2||

Awsw mnsw sbid jlwey ]

aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo

aasaa manasaa sabadh jalaaeae ||

One who burns away hope and desire through the Word of the Shabad,

rwm nrwiexu khY khwey ]

raam naraaein kehai kehaaeae ||

Chants the Lord's Name, and inspires others to chant it as well.

gur qy vwt mhlu Gru pwey ]3]

gur thae vaatt mehal ghar paaeae ||3||

Through the Guru, he finds the Path home, to the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||3||

kMcn kwieAw joiq AnUpu ]

aucwrx kWieAW

kanchan kaaeiaa joth anoop ||

His body becomes golden, by the Lord's Incomparable Light.

iqRBvx dyvw sgl srUpu ]

thribhavan dhaevaa sagal saroop ||

He beholds the divine beauty in all the three worlds.

mY so Dnu plY swcu AKUtu ]4]

aucwrx p`lY

mai so dhhan palai saach akhoott ||4||

That inexhaustible wealth of Truth is now in my lap. ||4||

pMc qIin nv cwir smwvY ]

panch theen nav chaar samaavai ||

In the five elements, the three worlds, the nine regions and the four directions, the Lord is pervading.

Drix ggnu kl Dwir rhwvY ]

dhharan gagan kal dhhaar rehaavai ||

He supports the earth and the sky, exercising His almighty power.

bwhir jwqau aulit prwvY ]5]

baahar jaatho oulatt paraavai ||5||

He turns the outgoing mind around. ||5||

mUrKu hoie n AwKI sUJY ]

moorakh hoe n aakhee soojhai ||

The fool does not realize what he sees with his eyes.

ijhvw rsu nhI kihAw bUJY ]

aucwrx bU`JY

jihavaa ras nehee kehiaa boojhai ||

He does not taste with his tongue, and does not understand what is said.

ibKu kw mwqw jg isau lUJY ]6]

aucwrx mwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

bikh kaa maathaa jag sio loojhai ||6||

Intoxicated with poison, he argues with the world. ||6||

aUqm sµgiq aUqmu hovY ]

ootham sangath ootham hovai ||

In the uplifting society, one is uplifted.

gux kau DwvY Avgx DovY ]

gun ko dhhaavai avagan dhhovai ||

He chases after virtue and washes off his sins.

ibnu gur syvy shju n hovY ]7]

bin gur saevae sehaj n hovai ||7||

Without serving the Guru, celestial poise is not obtained. ||7||

hIrw nwmu jvyhr lwlu ]

aucwrx j-vyhr

heeraa naam javaehar laal ||

The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is a diamond, a jewel, a ruby.

mnu moqI hY iqs kw mwlu ]

man mothee hai this kaa maal ||

The pearl of the mind is the inner wealth.

nwnk prKY ndir inhwlu ]8]5]

naanak parakhai nadhar nihaal ||8||5||

O Nanak, the Lord tests us, and blesses us with His Glance of Grace. ||8||5||