SGGSAng 413Raag AsaMahalla 135 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

eyku mrY pMcy imil rovih ]

eaek marai panchae mil rovehi ||

When someone dies, the five passions meet and mourn his death.

haumY jwie sbid mlu Dovih ]

aucwrx mlu: polw bolo

houmai jaae sabadh mal dhhovehi ||

Overcoming self-conceit, he washes off his filth with the Word of the Shabad.

smiJ sUiJ shj Gir hovih ]

samajh soojh sehaj ghar hovehi ||

One who knows and understands, enters the home of peace and poise.

ibnu bUJy sglI piq Kovih ]1]

aucwrx bU`Jy

bin boojhae sagalee path khovehi ||1||

Without understanding, he loses all his honor. ||1||

kauxu mrY kauxu rovY EhI ]

koun marai koun rovai ouhee ||

Who dies, and who weeps for him?

krx kwrx sBsY isir qohI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx sB-sY: sbµDk pwT hY

karan kaaran sabhasai sir thohee ||1|| rehaao ||

O Lord, Creator, Cause of causes, You are over the heads of all. ||1||Pause||

mUey kau rovY duKu koie ]

mooeae ko rovai dhukh koe ||

Who weeps over the pain of the dead?

so rovY ijsu bydn hoie ]

so rovai jis baedhan hoe ||

Those who weep, do so over their own troubles.

ijsu bIqI jwxY pRB soie ]

jis beethee jaanai prabh soe ||

God knows the condition of those who are so affected.

Awpy krqw krY su hoie ]2]

aapae karathaa karae s hoe ||2||

Whatever the Creator does, comes to pass. ||2||

jIvq mrxw qwry qrxw ]

jeevath maranaa thaarae tharanaa ||

One who remains dead while yet alive, is saved, and saves others as well.

jY jgdIs prmgiq srxw ]

jai jagadhees param gath saranaa ||

Celebrate the Victory of the Lord; taking to His Sanctuary, the supreme status is obtained.

hau bilhwrI siqgur crxw ]

ho balihaaree sathigur charanaa ||

I am a sacrifice to the feet of the True Guru.

guru boihQu sbid BY qrxw ]3]

gur bohithh sabadh bhai tharanaa ||3||

The Guru is the boat; through the Shabad of His Word, the terrifying world-ocean is crossed over. ||3||

inrBau Awip inrµqir joiq ]

nirabho aap niranthar joth ||

He Himself is Fearless; His Divine Light is contained in all.

ibnu nwvY sUqku jig Coiq ]

bin naavai soothak jag shhoth ||

Without the Name, the world is defiled and untouchable.

durmiq ibnsY ikAw kih roiq ]

dhuramath binasai kiaa kehi roth ||

Through evil-mindedness, they are ruined; why should they cry out and weep?

jnim mUey ibnu Bgiq sroiq ]4]

janam mooeae bin bhagath saroth ||4||

They are born only to die, without hearing the music of devotional worship. ||4||

mUey kau scu rovih mIq ]

mooeae ko sach rovehi meeth ||

Only one's true friends mourn one's death.

qRY gux rovih nIqw nIq ]

thrai gun rovehi neethaa neeth ||

Those under the sway of the three dispositions continue to mourn on and on.

duKu suKu prhir shij su cIq ]

dhukh sukh parehar sehaj sucheeth ||

Disregarding pain and pleasure, center your consciousness on the Lord.

qnu mnu saupau ikRsn prIiq ]5]

than man soupo kirasan pareeth ||5||

Dedicate your body and mind to the Love of the Lord. ||5||

BIqir eyku Anyk AsµK ]

bheethar eaek anaek asankh ||

The One Lord dwells within the various and countless beings.

krm Drm bhu sMK AsµK ]

karam dhharam bahu sankh asankh ||

There are so many rituals and religious faiths, their number is innumerable.

ibnu BY BgqI jnmu ibrµQ ]

bin bhai bhagathee janam biranthh ||

Without the Fear of God, and devotional worship, one's life is in vain.

hir gux gwvih imil prmwrµQ ]6]

aucwrx prmw-rµQ

har gun gaavehi mil paramaaranthh ||6||

Singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, the supreme wealth is obtained. ||6||

Awip mrY mwry BI Awip ]

aap marai maarae bhee aap ||

He Himself dies, and He Himself kills.

Awip aupwey Qwip auQwip ]

aap oupaaeae thhaap outhhaap ||

He Himself establishes, and having established, disestablishes.

isRsit aupweI joqI qU jwiq ]

srisatt oupaaee jothee thoo jaath ||

He created the Universe, and by His Divine Nature, instilled His Divine Light into it.

sbdu vIcwir imlxu nhI BRwiq ]7]

sabadh veechaar milan nehee bhraath ||7||

One who reflects upon the Word of the Shabad, meets the Lord, without doubt. ||7||

sUqku Agin BKY jgu Kwie ]

aucwrx BKY: polw bolo

soothak agan bhakhai jag khaae ||

Pollution is the burning fire, which is consuming the world.

sUqku jil Qil sB hI Qwie ]

soothak jal thhal sabh hee thhaae ||

Pollution is in the water, upon the land, and everywhere.

nwnk sUqik jnim mrIjY ]

naanak soothak janam mareejai ||

O Nanak, people are born and die in pollution.

gurprswdI hir rsu pIjY ]8]4]

gur parasaadhee har ras peejai ||8||4||

By Guru's Grace, they drink in the Lord's sublime elixir. ||8||4||