SGGSAng 414Raag AsaMahalla 127 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

gurmuiK igAwnu iDAwnu min mwnu ]

guramukh giaan dhhiaan man maan ||

The Gurmukh obtains spiritual wisdom, meditation and satisfaction of the mind.

gurmuiK mhlI mhlu pCwnu ]

guramukh mehalee mehal pashhaan ||

The Gurmukh realizes the Mansion of the Lord's Presence.

gurmuiK suriq sbdu nIswnu ]1]

guramukh surath sabadh neesaan ||1||

The Gurmukh is attuned to the Word of the Shabad, as his Insignia. ||1||

AYsy pRym Bgiq vIcwrI ]

aisae praem bhagath veechaaree ||

Such is the loving devotional worship of the Lord's contemplation.

gurmuiK swcw nwmu murwrI ]1] rhwau ]

guramukh saachaa naam muraaree ||1|| rehaao ||

The Gurmukh realizes the True Name, the Destroyer of ego. ||1||Pause||

Aihinis inrmlu Qwin suQwnu ]

ahinis niramal thhaan suthhaan ||

Day and night, he remains immaculately pure, and abides in the sublime place.

qIn Bvn inhkyvl igAwnu ]

theen bhavan nihakaeval giaan ||

He gains the wisdom of the three worlds.

swcy gur qy hukmu pCwnu ]2]

saachae gur thae hukam pashhaan ||2||

Through the True Guru, the Command of the Lord's Will is realized. ||2||

swcw hrKu nwhI iqsu sogu ]

saachaa harakh naahee this sog ||

He enjoys true pleasure, and suffers no pain.

AMimRqu igAwnu mhw rsu Bogu ]

anmrith giaan mehaa ras bhog ||

He enjoys the ambrosial wisdom, and the highest sublime essence.

pMc smweI suKI sBu logu ]3]

panch samaaee sukhee sabh log ||3||

He overcomes the five evil passions, and becomes the happiest of all men. ||3||

sglI joiq qyrw sBu koeI ]

sagalee joth thaeraa sabh koee ||

Your Divine Light is contained in all; everyone belongs to You.

Awpy joiV ivCoVy soeI ]

aapae jorr vishhorrae soee ||

You Yourself join and separate again.

Awpy krqw kry su hoeI ]4]

aapae karathaa karae s hoee ||4||

Whatever the Creator does, comes to pass. ||4||

Fwih auswry hukim smwvY ]

dtaahi ousaarae hukam samaavai ||

He demolishes, and He builds; by His Order, he merges us into Himself.

hukmo vrqY jo iqsu BwvY ]

hukamo varathai jo this bhaavai ||

Whatever is pleasing to His Will, happens.

gur ibnu pUrw koie n pwvY ]5]

gur bin pooraa koe n paavai ||5||

Without the Guru, no one obtains the Perfect Lord. ||5||

bwlk ibriD n suriq prwin ]

baalak biradhh n surath paraan ||

In childhood and old age, he does not understand.

Bir jobin bUfY AiBmwin ]

bhar joban booddai abhimaan ||

In the prime of youth, he is drowned in his pride.

ibnu nwvY ikAw lhis indwin ]6]

aucwrx indwin: polw bolo (ASuD: inDwin)

bin naavai kiaa lehas nidhaan ||6||

Without the Name, what can the fool obtain? ||6||

ijs kw Anu Dnu shij n jwnw ]

jis kaa an dhhan sehaj n jaanaa ||

He does not know the One who blesses him with nourishment and wealth.

Brim Bulwnw iPir pCuqwnw ]

bharam bhulaanaa fir pashhuthaanaa ||

Deluded by doubt, he later regrets and repents.

gil PwhI baurw baurwnw ]7]

gal faahee bouraa bouraanaa ||7||

The noose of death is around the neck of that crazy madman. ||7||

bUfq jgu dyiKAw qau fir Bwgy ]

booddath jag dhaekhiaa tho ddar bhaagae ||

I saw the world drowning, and I ran away in fear.

siqguir rwKy sy vfBwgy ]

sathigur raakhae sae vaddabhaagae ||

How very fortunate are those who have been saved by the True Guru.

nwnk gur kI crxI lwgy ]8]6]

naanak gur kee charanee laagae ||8||6||

O Nanak, they are attached to the feet of the Guru. ||8||6||