Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehl:
ijn@I nwmu ivswirAw dUjY Brim BulweI ]
jinhee naam visaariaa dhoojai bharam bhulaaee ||
Those who have forgotten the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are deluded by doubt and duality.
mUlu Coif fwlI lgy ikAw pwvih CweI ]1]
mool shhodd ddaalee lagae kiaa paavehi shhaaee ||1||
Those who abandon the roots and cling to the branches, shall obtain only ashes. ||1||
ibnu nwvY ikau CUtIAY jy jwxY koeI ]
bin naavai kio shhootteeai jae jaanai koee ||
Without the Name, how can one be emancipated? Who knows this?
gurmuiK hoie q CUtIAY mnmuiK piq KoeI ]1] rhwau ]
guramukh hoe th shhootteeai manamukh path khoee ||1|| rehaao ||
One who becomes Gurmukh is emancipated; the self-willed manmukhs lose their honor. ||1||Pause||
ijn@I eyko syivAw pUrI miq BweI ]
aucwrx m`iq
jinhee eaeko saeviaa pooree math bhaaee ||
Those who serve the One Lord become perfect in their understanding, O Siblings of Destiny.
Awid jugwid inrµjnw jn hir srxweI ]2]
aadh jugaadh niranjanaa jan har saranaaee ||2||
The Lord's humble servant finds Sanctuary in Him, the Immaculate One, from the very beginning, and throughout the ages. ||2||
swihbu myrw eyku hY Avru nhI BweI ]
saahib maeraa eaek hai avar nehee bhaaee ||
My Lord and Master is the One; there is no other, O Siblings of Destiny.
ikrpw qy suKu pwieAw swcy prQweI ]3]
kirapaa thae sukh paaeiaa saachae parathhaaee ||3||
By the Grace of the True Lord, celestial peace is obtained. ||3||
gur ibnu iknY n pwieE kyqI khY khwey ]
gur bin kinai n paaeiou kaethee kehai kehaaeae ||
Without the Guru, no one has obtained Him, although many may claim to have done so.
Awip idKwvY vwtVI scI Bgiq idRVwey ]4]
aap dhikhaavai vaattarreen sachee bhagath dhrirraaeae ||4||
He Himself reveals the Way, and implants true devotion within. ||4||
mnmuKu jy smJweIAY BI auJiV jwey ]
manamukh jae samajhaaeeai bhee oujharr jaaeae ||
Even if the self-willed manmukh is instructed, he stills goes into the wilderness.
ibnu hir nwm n CUtsI mir nrk smwey ]5]
bin har naam n shhoottasee mar narak samaaeae ||5||
Without the Lord's Name, he shall not be emancipated; he shall die, and sink into hell. ||5||
jnim mrY BrmweIAY hir nwmu n lyvY ]
janam marai bharamaaeeai har naam n laevai ||
He wanders through birth and death, and never chants the Lord's Name.
qw kI kImiq nw pvY ibnu gur kI syvY ]6]
thaa kee keemath naa pavai bin gur kee saevai ||6||
He never realizes his own value, without serving the Guru. ||6||
jyhI syv krweIAY krxI BI sweI ]
aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo
jaehee saev karaaeeai karanee bhee saaee ||
Whatever service the Lord causes us to do, that is just what we do.
Awip kry iksu AwKIAY vyKY vifAweI ]7]
aap karae kis aakheeai vaekhai vaddiaaee ||7||
He Himself acts; who else should be mentioned? He beholds His own greatness. ||7||
gur kI syvw so kry ijsu Awip krwey ]
gur kee saevaa so karae jis aap karaaeae ||
He alone serves the Guru, whom the Lord Himself inspires to do so.
nwnk isru dy CUtIAY drgh piq pwey ]8]18]
naanak sir dhae shhootteeai dharageh path paaeae ||8||18||
O Nanak, offering his head, one is emancipated, and honored in the Court of the Lord. ||8||18||