SGGSAng 420Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

ikAw jµglu FUFI jwie mY Gir bnu hrIAwvlw ]

kiaa jangal dtoodtee jaae mai ghar ban hareeaavalaa ||

Why should I go searching in the forests, when the woods of my home are so green?

sic itkY Gir Awie sbid auqwvlw ]1]

aucwrx itkY: polw bolo

sach ttikai ghar aae sabadh outhaavalaa ||1||

The True Word of the Shabad has instantaneously come and settled in my heart. ||1||

jh dyKw qh soie Avru n jwxIAY ]

jeh dhaekhaa theh soe avar n jaaneeai ||

Wherever I look, there He is; I know no other.

gur kI kwr kmwie mhlu pCwxIAY ]1] rhwau ]

gur kee kaar kamaae mehal pashhaaneeai ||1|| rehaao ||

Working for the Guru, one realizes the Mansion of the Lord's Presence. ||1||Pause||

Awip imlwvY scu qw min BwveI ]

aap milaavai sach thaa man bhaavee ||

The True Lord blends us with Himself, when it is pleasing to His Mind.

clY sdw rjwie AMik smwveI ]2]

aucwrx c`lY; rjwie: polw bolo

chalai sadhaa rajaae ank samaavee ||2||

One who ever walks in accordance with His Will, merges into His Being. ||2||

scw swihbu min vsY visAw min soeI ]

sachaa saahib man vasai vasiaa man soee ||

When the True Lord dwells in the mind, that mind flourishes.

Awpy dy vifAweIAw dy qoit n hoeI ]3]

aucwrx vifAweIAw: ibMdI rihq bolo

aapae dhae vaddiaaeeaa dhae thott n hoee ||3||

He Himself grants greatness; His Gifts are never exhausted. ||3||

Aby qby kI cwkrI ikau drgh pwvY ]

aucwrx Aby: polw bolo; qby: polw bolo

abae thabae kee chaakaree kio dharageh paavai ||

Serving this and that person, how can one obtain the Lord's Court?

pQr kI byVI jy cVY Brnwil bufwvY ]4]

aucwrx Brnwil: iek`Tw bolo

pathhar kee baerree jae charrai bhar naal buddaavai ||4||

If someone embarks on a boat of stone, he shall drown with its cargo. ||4||

AwpnVw mnu vycIAY isru dIjY nwly ]

aapanarraa man vaecheeai sir dheejai naalae ||

So offer your mind, and surrender your head with it.

gurmuiK vsqu pCwxIAY Apnw Gru Bwly ]5]

guramukh vasath pashhaaneeai apanaa ghar bhaalae ||5||

The Gurmukh realizes the true essence, and finds the home of his own self. ||5||

jµmx mrxw AwKIAY iqin krqY kIAw ]

janman maranaa aakheeai thin karathai keeaa ||

People discuss birth and death; the Creator created this.

Awpu gvwieAw mir rhy iPir mrxu n QIAw ]6]

aap gavaaeiaa mar rehae fir maran n thheeaa ||6||

Those who conquer their selfhood and remain dead, shall never have to die again. ||6||

sweI kwr kmwvxI Dur kI PurmweI ]

aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo

saaee kaar kamaavanee dhhur kee furamaaee ||

Do those deeds which the Primal Lord has ordered for you.

jy mnu siqgur dy imlY ikin kImiq pweI ]7]

jae man sathigur dhae milai kin keemath paaee ||7||

If one surrenders his mind upon meeting the True Guru, who can estimate its value? ||7||

rqnw pwrKu so DxI iqin kImiq pweI ]

rathanaa paarakh so dhhanee thin keemath paaee ||

That Lord Master is the Assayer of the jewel of the mind; He places the value on it.

nwnk swihbu min vsY scI vifAweI ]8]17]

naanak saahib man vasai sachee vaddiaaee ||8||17||

O Nanak, True is the Glory of that one, in whose mind the Lord Master dwells. ||8||17||