Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
nwmu jpq mnu qnu sBu hirAw ]
naam japath man than sabh hariaa ||
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind and body are totally rejuvenated.
klml doK sgl prhirAw ]1]
kalamal dhokh sagal parehariaa ||1||
All sins and sorrows are washed away. ||1||
soeI idvsu Blw myry BweI ]
soee dhivas bhalaa maerae bhaaee ||
How blessed is that day, O my Siblings of Destiny,
hir gun gwie prmgiq pweI ] rhwau ]
har gun gaae param gath paaee || rehaao ||
When the Glorious Praises of the Lord are sung, and the supreme status is obtained. ||Pause||
swD jnw ky pUjy pYr ]
saadhh janaa kae poojae pair ||
Worshipping the feet of the Holy Saints,
imty aupdRh mn qy bYr ]2]
aucwrx au-pdRh
mittae oupadhreh man thae bair ||2||
Troubles and hatred are eliminated from the mind. ||2||
gur pUry imil Jgru cukwieAw ]
gur poorae mil jhagar chukaaeiaa ||
Meeting with the Perfect Guru, conflict is ended,
pMc dUq siB vsgiq AwieAw ]3]
aucwrx vs-giq: sbµDk pwT hY---
panch dhooth sabh vasagath aaeiaa ||3||
And the five demons are totally subdued. ||3||
ijsu min visAw hir kw nwmu ]
jis man vasiaa har kaa naam ||
One whose mind is filled with the Name of the Lord,
nwnk iqsu aUpir kurbwn ]4]4]98]
naanak this oopar kurabaan ||4||4||98||
O Nanak - I am a sacrifice to him. ||4||4||98||