mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
nw jwxw mUrKu hY koeI nw jwxw isAwxw ]
naa jaanaa moorakh hai koee naa jaanaa siaanaa ||
I do not believe that anyone is foolish; I do not believe that anyone is clever.
sdw swihb kY rMgy rwqw Anidnu nwmu vKwxw ]1]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
sadhaa saahib kai rangae raathaa anadhin naam vakhaanaa ||1||
Imbued forever with the Love of my Lord and Master, I chant His Name, night and day. ||1||
bwbw mUrKu hw nwvY bil jwau ]
baabaa moorakh haa naavai bal jaao ||
O Baba, I am so foolish, but I am a sacrifice to the Name.
qU krqw qU dwnw bInw qyrY nwim qrwau ]1] rhwau ]
thoo karathaa thoo dhaanaa beenaa thaerai naam tharaao ||1|| rehaao ||
You are the Creator, You are wise and all-seeing. Through Your Name, we are carried across. ||1||Pause||
mUrKu isAwxw eyku hY eyk joiq duie nwau ]
moorakh siaanaa eaek hai eaek joth dhue naao ||
The same person is foolish and wise; the same light within has two names.
mUrKw isir mUrKu hY ij mMny nwhI nwau ]2]
moorakhaa sir moorakh hai j mannae naahee naao ||2||
The most foolish of the foolish are those who do not believe in the Name. ||2||
gur duAwrY nwau pweIAY ibnu siqgur plY n pwie ]
aucwrx p`lY
gur dhuaarai naao paaeeai bin sathigur palai n paae ||
Through the Guru's Gate, the Gurdwara, the Name is obtained. Without the True Guru, it is not received.
siqgur kY BwxY min vsY qw Aihinis rhY ilv lwie ]3]
sathigur kai bhaanai man vasai thaa ahinis rehai liv laae ||3||
Through the Pleasure of the True Guru's Will, the Name comes to dwell in the mind, and then, night and day, one remains lovingly absorbed in the Lord. ||3||
rwjµ rµgµ rUpM mwlµ jobnu qy jUAwrI ]
raajan rangan roopan maalan joban thae jooaaree ||
In power, pleasures, beauty, wealth and youth, one gambles his life away.
hukmI bwDy pwsY Kylih caupiV eykw swrI ]4]
hukamee baadhhae paasai khaelehi chouparr eaekaa saaree ||4||
Bound by the Hukam of God's Command, the dice are thrown; he is just a piece in the game of chess. ||4||
jig cquru isAwxw Brim Bulwxw nwau pMifq pVih gwvwrI ]
jag chathur siaanaa bharam bhulaanaa naao panddith parrehi gaavaaree ||
The world is clever and wise, but it is deluded by doubt, and forgets the Name; the Pandit, the religious scholar, studies the scriptures, but he is still a fool.
nwau ivswrih bydu smwlih ibKu BUly lyKwrI ]5]
naao visaarehi baedh samaalehi bikh bhoolae laekhaaree ||5||
Forgetting the Name, he dwells upon the Vedas; he writes, but he is confused by his poisonous corruption. ||5||
klr KyqI qrvr kµTy bwgw pihrih kjlu JrY ]
aucwrx k`lr; k`jlu
kalar khaethee tharavar kanthae baagaa pehirehi kajal jharai ||
He is like the crop planted in the salty soil, or the tree growing on the river bank, or the white clothes sprinkled with dirt.
eyhu sMswru iqsY kI koTI jo pYsY so grib jrY ]6]
aucwrx jrY: polw bolo
eaehu sansaar thisai kee kothee jo paisai so garab jarai ||6||
This world is the house of desire; whoever enters it, is burnt down by egotistical pride. ||6||
rXiq rwjy khw sbwey duhu AMqir so jwsI ]
aucwrx rXiq: reIAiq bolo
rayath raajae kehaa sabaaeae dhuhu anthar so jaasee ||
Where are all the kings and their subjects? Those who are immersed in duality are destroyed.
khq nwnku gur scy kI pauVI rhsI AlKu invwsI ]7]3]11]
aucwrx Al`Ku
kehath naanak gur sachae kee pourree rehasee alakh nivaasee ||7||3||11||
Says Nanak, these are the steps of the ladder, of the Teachings of the True Guru; only the Unseen Lord shall remain. ||7||3||11||