Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
jhw pTwvhu qh qh jweˆØI ]
jehaa pathaavahu theh theh jaaeanaee ||
Wherever You send me, there I go.
jo qum dyhu soeI suKu pweˆØI ]1]
jo thum dhaehu soee sukh paaeanaee ||1||
Whatever You give me, brings me peace. ||1||
sdw cyry goivMd gosweI ]
sadhaa chaerae govindh gosaaee ||
I am forever the chaylaa, the humble disciple, of the Lord of the Universe, the Sustainer of the World.
qum@rI ikRpw qy iqRpiq AGweˆØI ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx AGweˆØI: 'g'-'G' dI sWJI Avwj
thumharee kirapaa thae thripath aghaaeanaee ||1|| rehaao ||
By Your Grace, I am satisfied and satiated. ||1||Pause||
qumrw dIAw pYn@au KweˆØI ]
thumaraa dheeaa painho khaaeanaee ||
Whatever You give me, I wear and eat.
qau pRswid pRB suKI vlweˆØI ]2]
tho prasaadh prabh sukhee valaaeanaee ||2||
By Your Grace, O God, my life passes peacefully. ||2||
mn qn AMqir quJY iDAweˆØI ]
man than anthar thujhai dhhiaaeanaee ||
Deep within my mind and body, I meditate on You.
qum@rY lvY n koaU lweˆØI ]3]
thumharai lavai n kooo laaeanaee ||3||
I recognize none as equal to You. ||3||
khu nwnk inq ievY iDAweˆØI ]
kahu naanak nith eivai dhhiaaeanaee ||
Says Nanak, this is my continual meditation:
giq hovY sMqh lig pwe؈I ]4]9]60]
gath hovai santheh lag paaeanaee ||4||9||60||
That I may be emancipated, clinging to the Feet of the Saints. ||4||9||60||