SGGSAng 55Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||

Siree Raag, First Mehl:

min jUTY qin jUiT hY ijhvw jUTI hoie ]

man joothai than jooth hai jihavaa joothee hoe ||

If the mind is polluted, then the body is polluted, and the tongue is polluted as well.

muiK JUTY JUTu bolxw ikau kir sUcw hoie ]

mukh jhoothai jhooth bolanaa kio kar soochaa hoe ||

With false mouths, people speak falsehood. How can they be made pure?

ibnu AB sbd n mWjIAY swcy qy scu hoie ]1]

bin abh sabadh n maanjeeai saachae thae sach hoe ||1||

Without the Holy Water of the Shabad, they are not cleansed. From the True One alone comes Truth. ||1||

muMDy guxhIxI suKu kyih ]

mundhhae guneheenee sukh kaehi ||

O soul-bride, without virtue, what happiness can there be?

ipru rlIAw ris mwxsI swic sbid suKu nyih ]1] rhwau ]

pir raleeaa ras maanasee saach sabadh sukh naehi ||1|| rehaao ||

The Husband Lord enjoys her with pleasure and delight; she is at peace in the love of the True Word of the Shabad. ||1||Pause||

ipru prdysI jy QIAY Dn vWFI JUryie ]

pir paradhaesee jae thheeai dhhan vaandtee jhooraee ||

When the Husband goes away, the bride suffers in the pain of separation,

ijau jil QoVY mCulI krx plwv kryie ]

jio jal thhorrai mashhulee karan palaav karaee ||

Like the fish in shallow water, crying for mercy.

ipr BwvY suKu pweIAY jw Awpy ndir kryie ]2]

pir bhaavai sukh paaeeai jaa aapae nadhar karaee ||2||

As it pleases the Will of the Husband Lord, peace is obtained, when He Himself casts His Glance of Grace. ||2||

ipru swlwhI Awpxw sKI shylI nwil ]

pir saalaahee aapanaa sakhee sehaelee naal ||

Praise your Husband Lord, together with your bridesmaids and friends.

qin sohY mnu moihAw rqI rµig inhwil ]

aucwrx r`qI

than sohai man mohiaa rathee rang nihaal ||

The body is beautified, and the mind is fascinated. Imbued with His Love, we are enraptured.

sbid svwrI sohxI ipru rwvy gux nwil ]3]

sabadh savaaree sohanee pir raavae gun naal ||3||

Adorned with the Shabad, the beautiful bride enjoys her Husband with virtue. ||3||

kwmix kwim n AwveI KotI AvgixAwir ]

kaaman kaam n aavee khottee avaganiaar ||

The soul-bride is of no use at all, if she is evil and without virtue.

nw suKu pyeIAY swhurY JUiT jlI vykwir ]

naa sukh paeeeai saahurai jhooth jalee vaekaar ||

She does not find peace in this world or the next; she burns in falsehood and corruption.

Awvxu vM\xu fwKVo CofI kµiq ivswir ]4]

aavan vannjan ddaakharro shhoddee kanth visaar ||4||

Coming and going are very difficult for that bride who is abandoned and forgotten by her Husband Lord. ||4||

ipr kI nwir suhwvxI muqI so ikqu swid ]

pir kee naar suhaavanee muthee so kith saadh ||

The beautiful soul-bride of the Husband Lord-by what sensual pleasures has she been doomed?

ipr kY kwim n AwveI boly Pwidlu bwid ]

pir kai kaam n aavee bolae faadhil baadh ||

She is of no use to her Husband if she babbles in useless arguments.

dir Gir FoeI nw lhY CUtI dUjY swid ]5]

dhar ghar dtoee naa lehai shhoottee dhoojai saadh ||5||

At the Door of His Home, she finds no shelter; she is discarded for seeking other pleasures. ||5||

pMifq vwcih poQIAw nw bUJih vIcwru ]

aucwrx bU`Jih ---

panddith vaachehi pothheeaa naa boojhehi veechaar ||

The Pandits, the religious scholars, read their books, but they do not understand the real meaning.

An kau mqI dy clih mwieAw kw vwpwru ]

aucwrx m`qI

an ko mathee dhae chalehi maaeiaa kaa vaapaar ||

They give instructions to others, and then walk away, but they deal in Maya themselves.

kQnI JUTI jgu BvY rhxI sbdu su swru ]6]

kathhanee jhoothee jag bhavai rehanee sabadh s saar ||6||

Speaking falsehood, they wander around the world, while those who remain true to the Shabad are excellent and exalted. ||6||

kyqy pMifq joqkI bydw krih bIcwru ]

kaethae panddith jothakee baedhaa karehi beechaar ||

There are so many Pandits and astrologers who ponder over the Vedas.

vwid ivroiD slwhxy vwdy Awvxu jwxu ]

vaadh virodhh salaahanae vaadhae aavan jaan ||

They glorify their disputes and arguments, and in these controversies they continue coming and going.

ibnu gur krm n CutsI kih suix AwiK vKwxu ]7]

bin gur karam n shhuttasee kehi sun aakh vakhaan ||7||

Without the Guru, they are not released from their karma, although they speak and listen and preach and explain. ||7||

siB guxvµqI AwKIAih mY guxu nwhI koie ]

sabh gunavanthee aakheeahi mai gun naahee koe ||

They all call themselves virtuous, but I have no virtue at all.

hir vru nwir suhwvxI mY BwvY pRBu soie ]

har var naar suhaavanee mai bhaavai prabh soe ||

With the Lord as her Husband, the soul-bride is happy; I, too, love that God.

nwnk sbid imlwvVw nw vyCoVw hoie ]8]5]

naanak sabadh milaavarraa naa vaeshhorraa hoe ||8||5||

O Nanak, through the Shabad, union is obtained; there is no more separation. ||8||5||