SGGSAng 55Sri RaagMahalla 1 Astpadiyaa27 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx isrIrwgu mh`lw pihlw

sireeraag mehalaa 1 ||

Siree Raag, First Mehl:

mCulI jwlu n jwixAw sru Kwrw Asgwhu ]

mashhulee jaal n jaaniaa sar khaaraa asagaahu ||

The fish did not notice the net in the deep and salty sea.

Aiq isAwxI sohxI ikau kIqo vyswhu ]

aucwrx Aiq: polw bolo

ath siaanee sohanee kio keetho vaesaahu ||

It was so clever and beautiful, but why was it so confident?

kIqy kwrix pwkVI kwlu n tlY isrwhu ]1]

aucwrx tlY: polw bolo

keethae kaaran paakarree kaal n ttalai siraahu ||1||

By its actions it was caught, and now death cannot be turned away from its head. ||1||

BweI ry ieau isir jwxhu kwlu ]

bhaaee rae eio sir jaanahu kaal ||

O Siblings of Destiny, just like this, see death hovering over your own heads!

ijau mCI iqau mwxsw pvY AicMqw jwlu ]1] rhwau ]

jio mashhee thio maanasaa pavai achinthaa jaal ||1|| rehaao ||

People are just like this fish; unaware, the noose of death descends upon them. ||1||Pause||

sBu jgu bwDo kwl ko ibnu gur kwlu APwru ]

sabh jag baadhho kaal ko bin gur kaal afaar ||

The whole world is bound by death; without the Guru, death cannot be avoided.

sic rqy sy aubry duibDw Coif ivkwr ]

aucwrx r`qy

sach rathae sae oubarae dhubidhhaa shhodd vikaar ||

Those who are attuned to Truth are saved; they renounce duality and corruption.

hau iqn kY bilhwrxY dir scY sicAwr ]2]

ho thin kai balihaaranai dhar sachai sachiaar ||2||

I am a sacrifice to those who are found to be Truthful in the True Court. ||2||

sIcwny ijau pMKIAw jwlI biDk hwiQ ]

aucwrx biDk: polw bolo (ASuD: biD`k)

seechaanae jio pankheeaa jaalee badhhik haathh ||

Think of the hawk preying on the birds, and the net in the hands of the hunter.

guir rwKy sy aubry hoir PwQy cogY swiQ ]

gur raakhae sae oubarae hor faathhae chogai saathh ||

Those who are protected by the Guru are saved; the others are caught by the bait.

ibnu nwvY cuix sutIAih koie n sµgI swiQ ]3]

bin naavai chun sutteeahi koe n sangee saathh ||3||

Without the Name, they are picked up and thrown away; they have no friends or companions. ||3||

sco scw AwKIAY scy scw Qwnu ]

sacho sachaa aakheeai sachae sachaa thhaan ||

God is said to be the Truest of the True; His Place is the Truest of the True.

ijnI scw mMinAw iqn min scu iDAwnu ]

jinee sachaa manniaa thin man sach dhhiaan ||

Those who obey the True One-their minds abide in true meditation.

min muiK sUcy jwxIAih gurmuiK ijnw igAwnu ]4]

man mukh soochae jaaneeahi guramukh jinaa giaan ||4||

Those who become Gurmukh, and obtain spiritual wisdom-their minds and mouths are known to be pure. ||4||

siqgur AgY Ardwis kir swjnu dyie imlwie ]

sathigur agai aradhaas kar saajan dhaee milaae ||

Offer your most sincere prayers to the True Guru, so that He may unite you with your Best Friend.

swjin imilAY suKu pwieAw jmdUq muey ibKu Kwie ]

aucwrx muey: AONkV iv`c rhxw (ASuD: mUey, moey)

saajan miliai sukh paaeiaa jamadhooth mueae bikh khaae ||

Meeting your Best Friend, you shall find peace; the Messenger of Death shall take poison and die.

nwvY AMdir hau vsW nwau vsY min Awie ]5]

naavai andhar ho vasaan naao vasai man aae ||5||

I dwell deep within the Name; the Name has come to dwell within my mind. ||5||

bwJu gurU gubwru hY ibnu sbdY bUJ n pwie ]

aucwrx bU`J

baajh guroo gubaar hai bin sabadhai boojh n paae ||

Without the Guru, there is only pitch darkness; without the Shabad, understanding is not obtained.

gurmqI prgwsu hoie sic rhY ilv lwie ]

aucwrx gurm`qI

guramathee paragaas hoe sach rehai liv laae ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, you shall be enlightened; remain absorbed in the Love of the True Lord.

iqQY kwlu n sMcrY joqI joiq smwie ]6]

thithhai kaal n sancharai jothee joth samaae ||6||

Death does not go there; your light shall merge with the Light. ||6||

qUµhY swjnu qUµ sujwxu qUµ Awpy mylxhwru ]

thoonhai saajan thoon sujaan thoon aapae maelanehaar ||

You are my Best Friend; You are All-knowing. You are the One who unites us with Yourself.

gur sbdI swlwhIAY AMqu n pwrwvwru ]

gur sabadhee saalaaheeai anth n paaraavaar ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, we praise You; You have no end or limitation.

iqQY kwlu n ApVY ijQY gur kw sbdu Apwru ]7]

thithhai kaal n aparrai jithhai gur kaa sabadh apaar ||7||

Death does not reach that place, where the Infinite Word of the Guru's Shabad resounds. ||7||

hukmI sBy aUpjih hukmI kwr kmwih ]

aucwrx s`By

hukamee sabhae oopajehi hukamee kaar kamaahi ||

By the Hukam of His Command, all are created. By His Command, actions are performed.

hukmI kwlY vis hY hukmI swic smwih ]

hukamee kaalai vas hai hukamee saach samaahi ||

By His Command, all are subject to death; by His Command, they merge in Truth.

nwnk jo iqsu BwvY so QIAY ienw jµqw vis ikCu nwih ]8]4]

naanak jo this bhaavai so thheeai einaa janthaa vas kishh naahi ||8||4||

O Nanak, whatever pleases His Will comes to pass. Nothing is in the hands of these beings. ||8||4||