SGGSAng 105Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

mIhu pieAw prmysir pwieAw ]

meehu paeiaa paramaesar paaeiaa ||

The rain has fallen; I have found the Transcendent Lord God.

jIA jµq siB suKI vswieAw ]

jeea janth sabh sukhee vasaaeiaa ||

All beings and creatures dwell in peace.

gieAw klysu BieAw suKu swcw hir hir nwmu smwlI jIau ]1]

gaeiaa kalaes bhaeiaa sukh saachaa har har naam samaalee jeeo ||1||

Suffering has been dispelled, and true happiness has dawned, as we meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||

ijsky sy iqnhI pRiqpwry ]

aucwrx pRiq-pwry: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo

jis kae sae thin hee prathipaarae ||

The One, to whom we belong, cherishes and nurtures us.

pwrbRhm pRB Bey rKvwry ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham prabh bheae rakhavaarae ||

The Supreme Lord God has become our Protector.

suxI bynµqI Twkuir myrY pUrn hoeI GwlI jIau ]2]

sunee baenanthee thaakur maerai pooran hoee ghaalee jeeo ||2||

My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded. ||2||

srb jIAw kau dyvxhwrw ]

sarab jeeaa ko dhaevanehaaraa ||

He is the Giver of all souls.

gurprswdI ndir inhwrw ]

gur parasaadhee nadhar nihaaraa ||

By Guru's Grace, He blesses us with His Glance of Grace.

jl Ql mhIAl siB iqRpqwxy swDU crn pKwlI jIau ]3]

jal thhal meheeal sabh thripathaanae saadhhoo charan pakhaalee jeeo ||3||

The beings in the water, on the land and in the sky are all satisfied; I wash the Feet of the Holy. ||3||

mn kI ieC pujwvxhwrw ]

man kee eishh pujaavanehaaraa ||

He is the Fulfiller of the desires of the mind.

sdw sdw jweI bilhwrw ]

sadhaa sadhaa jaaee balihaaraa ||

Forever and ever, I am a sacrifice to Him.

nwnk dwnu kIAw duK Bµjin rqy rµig rswlI jIau ]4]32]39]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak dhaan keeaa dhukh bhanjan rathae rang rasaalee jeeo ||4||32||39||

O Nanak, the Destroyer of pain has given this Gift; I am imbued with the Love of the Delightful Lord. ||4||32||39||