BYrau mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw
bhairo mehalaa 3 ||
Bhairao, Third Mehl:
bwJu gurU jgqu baurwnw BUlw cotw KweI ]
baajh guroo jagath bouraanaa bhoolaa chottaa khaaee ||
Without the Guru, the world is insane; confused and deluded, it is beaten, and it suffers.
mir mir jµmY sdw duKu pwey dr kI Kbir n pweI ]1]
mar mar janmai sadhaa dhukh paaeae dhar kee khabar n paaee ||1||
It dies and dies again, and is reborn, always in pain, but it is unaware of the Lord's Gate. ||1||
myry mn sdw rhhu siqgur kI srxw ]
maerae man sadhaa rehahu sathigur kee saranaa ||
O my mind,remain always in the Protection of the True Guru's Sanctuary.
ihrdY hir nwmu mITw sd lwgw gur sbdy Bvjlu qrxw ]1] rhwau ]
hiradhai har naam meethaa sadh laagaa gur sabadhae bhavajal tharanaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Those people, to whose hearts the Lord's Name seems sweet, are carried across the terrifying world-ocean by the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||
ByK krY bhuqu icqu folY AMqir kwmu kRoDu Ahµkwru ]
bhaekh karai bahuth chith ddolai anthar kaam krodhh ahankaar ||
The mortal wears various religious robes, but his consciousness is unsteady; deep within, he is filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism.
AMqir iqsw BUK Aiq bhuqI Baukq iPrY dr bwru ]2]
aucwrx iqsw: polw bolo; Aiq: polw bolo; dr bwru: v`Krw krky
anthar thisaa bhookh ath bahuthee bhoukath firai dhar baar ||2||
Deep within is the great thirst and immense hunger; he wanders from door to door. ||2||
gur kY sbid mrih iPir jIvih iqn kau mukiq duAwir ]
gur kai sabadh marehi fir jeevehi thin ko mukath dhuaar ||
Those who die in the Word of the Guru's Shabad are reborn; they find the door of liberation.
AMqir sWiq sdw suKu hovY hir rwiKAw aur Dwir ]3]
anthar saanth sadhaa sukh hovai har raakhiaa our dhhaar ||3||
With constant peace and tranquility deep within, they enshrine the Lord within their hearts. ||3||
ijau iqsu BwvY iqvY clwvY krxw ikCU n jweI ]
jio this bhaavai thivai chalaavai karanaa kishhoo n jaaee ||
As it pleases Him, He inspires us to act. Nothing else can be done.
nwnk gurmuiK sbdu sm@wly rwm nwim vifAweI ]4]8]18]
naanak guramukh sabadh samhaalae raam naam vaddiaaee ||4||8||18||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh contemplates the Word of the Shabad, and is blessed with the glorious greatness of the Lord's Name. ||4||8||18||