SGGSAng 1132Raag BhaironMahalla 311 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

BYrau mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw

bhairo mehalaa 3 ||

Bhairao, Third Mehl:

haumY mwieAw moih KuAwieAw duKu Kty duK Kwie ]

aucwrx K`ty

houmai maaeiaa mohi khuaaeiaa dhukh khattae dhukh khaae ||

Lost in egotism, Maya and attachment, the mortal earns pain, and eats pain.

AMqir loB hlku duKu BwrI ibnu ibbyk Brmwie ]1]

aucwrx hlku: polw bolo

anthar lobh halak dhukh bhaaree bin bibaek bharamaae ||1||

The great disease, the rabid disease of greed, is deep within him; he wanders around indiscriminately. ||1||

mnmuiK iDRgu jIvxu sYswir ]

manamukh dhhrig jeevan saisaar ||

The life of the self-willed manmukh in this world is cursed.

rwm nwmu supnY nhI cyiqAw hir isau kdy n lwgY ipAwru ]1] rhwau ]

raam naam supanai nehee chaethiaa har sio kadhae n laagai piaar ||1|| rehaao ||

He does not remember the Lord's Name, even in his dreams. He is never in love with the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||

psUAw krm krY nhI bUJY kUVu kmwvY kUVo hoie ]

aucwrx bU`JY

pasooaa karam karai nehee boojhai koorr kamaavai koorro hoe ||

He acts like a beast, and does not understand anything. Practicing falsehood, he becomes false.

siqguru imlY q aultI hovY Koij lhY jnu koie ]2]

sathigur milai th oulattee hovai khoj lehai jan koe ||2||

But when the mortal meets the True Guru, his way of looking at the world changes. How rare are those humble beings who seek and find the Lord. ||2||

hir hir nwmu irdY sd visAw pwieAw guxI inDwnu ]

har har naam ridhai sadh vasiaa paaeiaa gunee nidhhaan ||

That person, whose heart is forever filled with the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, obtains the Lord, the Treasure of Virtue.

gurprswdI pUrw pwieAw cUkw mn AiBmwnu ]3]

gur parasaadhee pooraa paaeiaa chookaa man abhimaan ||3||

By Guru's Grace, he finds the Perfect Lord; the egotistical pride of his mind is eradicated. ||3||

Awpy krqw kry krwey Awpy mwrig pwey ]

aapae karathaa karae karaaeae aapae maarag paaeae ||

The Creator Himself acts, and causes all to act. He Himself places us on the path.

Awpy gurmuiK dy vifAweI nwnk nwim smwey ]4]9]19]

aapae guramukh dhae vaddiaaee naanak naam samaaeae ||4||9||19||

He Himself blesses the Gurmukh with glorious greatness; O Nanak, he merges in the Naam. ||4||9||19||