SGGSAng 419Raag AsaMahalla 121 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

cly clxhwr vwt vtwieAw ]

chalae chalanehaar vaatt vattaaeiaa ||

The travellers travel from one road to another.

DMDu ipty sMswru scu n BwieAw ]1]

aucwrx ip`ty

dhhandhh pittae sansaar sach n bhaaeiaa ||1||

The world is engrossed in its entanglements, and does not appreciate the Truth. ||1||

ikAw BvIAY ikAw FUFIAY gur sbid idKwieAw ]

kiaa bhaveeai kiaa dtoodteeai gur sabadh dhikhaaeiaa ||

Why wander around, and why go searching, when the Guru's Shabad reveals Him to us?

mmqw mohu ivsrijAw ApnY Gir AwieAw ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx iv-srijAw

mamathaa mohu visarajiaa apanai ghar aaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Leaving behind egotism and attachment, I have arrived at my own home. ||1||Pause||

sic imlY sicAwru kUiV n pweIAY ]

sach milai sachiaar koorr n paaeeai ||

Through Truth, one meets the True One; He is not obtained through falsehood.

scy isau icqu lwie bhuiV n AweIAY ]2]

sachae sio chith laae bahurr n aaeeai ||2||

Centering your consciousness on the True Lord, you shall not have to come into the world again. ||2||

moieAw kau ikAw rovhu roie n jwxhU ]

moeiaa ko kiaa rovahu roe n jaanehoo ||

Why do you weep for the dead? You do not know how to weep.

rovhu scu slwih hukmu pCwxhU ]3]

rovahu sach salaahi hukam pashhaanehoo ||3||

Weep by praising the True Lord, and recognize His Command. ||3||

hukmI vjhu ilKwie AwieAw jwxIAY ]

hukamee vajahu likhaae aaeiaa jaaneeai ||

Blessed is the birth of one who is destined to abide by the Lord's Command.

lwhw plY pwie hukmu is\wxIAY ]4]

aucwrx p`lY

laahaa palai paae hukam sinjaaneeai ||4||

He obtains the true profit, realizing the Lord's Command. ||4||

hukmI pYDw jwie drgh BwxIAY ]

hukamee paidhhaa jaae dharageh bhaaneeai ||

If it pleases the Commander, one goes to His Court, robed in honor.

hukmy hI isir mwr bµid rbwxIAY ]5]

hukamae hee sir maar bandh rabaaneeai ||5||

By His Command, God's slaves are hit over the head. ||5||

lwhw scu inAwau min vsweIAY ]

laahaa sach niaao man vasaaeeai ||

The profit is earned by enshrining Truth and justice in the mind.

iliKAw plY pwie grbu v\weIAY ]6]

aucwrx p`lY

likhiaa palai paae garab vanjaaeeai ||6||

They obtain what is written in their destiny, and overcome pride. ||6||

mnmuKIAw isir mwr vwid KpweIAY ]

manamukheeaa sir maar vaadh khapaaeeai ||

The self-willed manmukhs are hit over the head, and consumed by conflict.

Tig muTI kUiVAwr bµin@ clweIAY ]7]

thag muthee koorriaar bannih chalaaeeai ||7||

The cheaters are plundered by falsehood; they are chained and led away. ||7||

swihbu irdY vswie n pCoqwvhI ]

saahib ridhai vasaae n pashhothaavehee ||

Enshrine the Lord Master in your mind, and you shall not have to repent.

gunhW bKsxhwru sbdu kmwvhI ]8]

gunehaan bakhasanehaar sabadh kamaavehee ||8||

He forgives our sins, when we practice the Teachings of the Guru's Word. ||8||

nwnku mMgY scu gurmuiK GwlIAY ]

naanak mangai sach guramukh ghaaleeai ||

Nanak begs for the True Name, which is obtained by the Gurmukh.

mY quJ ibnu Avru n koie ndir inhwlIAY ]9]16]

mai thujh bin avar n koe nadhar nihaaleeai ||9||16||

Without You, I have no other at all; please, bless me with Your Glance of Grace. ||9||16||