SGGSAng 419Raag AsaMahalla 119 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pihlw

aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Aasaa, First Mehl:

mnsw mnih smwiely Baujlu sic qrxw ]

manasaa manehi samaaeilae bhoujal sach tharanaa ||

Stilling the desires of the mind, the mortal truly crosses over the terrifying world-ocean.

Awid jugwid dieAwlu qU Twkur qyrI srxw ]1]

aadh jugaadh dhaeiaal thoo thaakur thaeree saranaa ||1||

In the very beginning, and throughout the ages, You have been the Merciful Lord and Master; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||1||

qU dwqO hm jwickw hir drsnu dIjY ]

thoo dhaatha ham jaachikaa har dharasan dheejai ||

You are the Giver, and I am a mere beggar. Lord, please grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan.

gurmuiK nwmu iDAweIAY mn mMdru BIjY ]1] rhwau ]

guramukh naam dhhiaaeeai man mandhar bheejai ||1|| rehaao ||

The Gurmukh meditates on the Naam; the temple of his mind resounds with joy. ||1||Pause||

kUVw lwlcu CofIAY qau swcu pCwxY ]

koorraa laalach shhoddeeai tho saach pashhaanai ||

Renouncing false greed, one comes to realize the Truth.

gur kY sbid smweIAY prmwrQu jwxY ]2]

gur kai sabadh samaaeeai paramaarathh jaanai ||2||

So let yourself be absorbed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad, and know this supreme realization. ||2||

iehu mnu rwjw loBIAw luBqau loBweI ]

eihu man raajaa lobheeaa lubhatho lobhaaee ||

This mind is a greedy king, engrossed in greed.

gurmuiK loBu invwrIAY hir isau bixAweI ]3]

guramukh lobh nivaareeai har sio ban aaee ||3||

The Gurmukh eliminates his greed, and comes to an understanding with the Lord. ||3||

klir KyqI bIjIAY ikau lwhw pwvY ]

aucwrx klir: 'k' Bwrw krky

kalar khaethee beejeeai kio laahaa paavai ||

Planting the seeds in the rocky soil, how can one reap a profit?

mnmuKu sic n BIjeI kUVu kUiV gfwvY ]4]

manamukh sach n bheejee koorr koorr gaddaavai ||4||

The self-willed manmukh is not pleased with Truth; the false are buried in falsehood. ||4||

lwlcu Cofhu AMiDho lwlic duKu BwrI ]

laalach shhoddahu andhhiho laalach dhukh bhaaree ||

So renounce greed - you are blind! Greed only brings pain.

swcO swihbu min vsY haumY ibKu mwrI ]5]

saacha saahib man vasai houmai bikh maaree ||5||

When the True Lord dwells within the mind, the poisonous ego is conquered. ||5||

duibDw Coif kuvwtVI mUshugy BweI ]

aucwrx ku-vwtVI; mUshu-gy

dhubidhhaa shhodd kuvaattarree moosahugae bhaaee ||

Renounce the evil way of duality, or you shall be plundered, O Siblings of Destiny.

Aihinis nwmu slwhIAY siqgur srxweI ]6]

ahinis naam salaaheeai sathigur saranaaee ||6||

Day and night, praise the Naam, in the Sanctuary of the True Guru's protection. ||6||

mnmuK pQru sYlu hY iDRgu jIvxu PIkw ]

manamukh pathhar sail hai dhhrig jeevan feekaa ||

The self-willed manmukh is a rock, a stone. His life is cursed and useless.

jl mih kyqw rwKIAY AB AMqir sUkw ]7]

jal mehi kaethaa raakheeai abh anthar sookaa ||7||

No matter now long a stone is kept under water, it still remains dry at its core. ||7||

hir kw nwmu inDwnu hY pUrY guir dIAw ]

har kaa naam nidhhaan hai poorai gur dheeaa ||

The Name of the Lord is the treasure; the Perfect Guru has given it to me.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY miQ AMimRqu pIAw ]8]15]

naanak naam n veesarai mathh anmrith peeaa ||8||15||

O Nanak, one who does not forget the Naam, churns and drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||8||15||