mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
Awau swjn sMq mIq ipAwry ]
aao saajan santh meeth piaarae ||
Come, dear friends, Saints and companions:
imil gwvh gux Agm Apwry ]
mil gaaveh gun agam apaarae ||
Let us join together and sing the Glorious Praises of the Inaccessible and Infinite Lord.
gwvq suxq sBy hI mukqy so iDAweIAY ijin hm kIey jIau ]1]
aucwrx s`By
gaavath sunath sabhae hee mukathae so dhhiaaeeai jin ham keeeae jeeo ||1||
Those who sing and hear these praises are liberated, so let us meditate on the One who created us. ||1||
jnm jnm ky iklibK jwvih ]
janam janam kae kilabikh jaavehi ||
The sins of countless incarnations depart,
min icMdy syeI Pl pwvih ]
man chindhae saeee fal paavehi ||
And we receive the fruits of the mind's desires.
ismir swihbu so scu suAwmI irjku sBsu kau dIey jIau ]2]
aucwrx sB-su: 'b'-'d' dI Avwj
simar saahib so sach suaamee rijak sabhas ko dheeeae jeeo ||2||
So meditate on that Lord, our True Lord and Master, who gives sustenance to all. ||2||
nwmu jpq srb suKu pweIAY ]
naam japath sarab sukh paaeeai ||
Chanting the Naam, all pleasures are obtained.
sBu Bau ibnsY hir hir iDAweIAY ]
sabh bho binasai har har dhhiaaeeai ||
All fears are erased, meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
ijin syivAw so pwrigrwmI kwrj sgly QIey jIau ]3]
aucwrx pwr-igrwmI
jin saeviaa so paaragiraamee kaaraj sagalae thheeeae jeeo ||3||
One who serves the Lord swims across to the other side, and all his affairs are resolved. ||3||
Awie pieAw qyrI srxweI ]
aae paeiaa thaeree saranaaee ||
I have come to Your Sanctuary;
ijau BwvY iqau lYih imlweI ]
jio bhaavai thio laihi milaaee ||
If it pleases You, unite me with You.
kir ikrpw pRBu BgqI lwvhu scu nwnk AMimRqu pIey jIau ]4]28]35]
kar kirapaa prabh bhagathee laavahu sach naanak anmrith peeeae jeeo ||4||28||35||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, God; let me be committed to devotional worship. Nanak drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar of Truth. ||4||28||35||