SGGSAng 104Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

hukmI vrsx lwgy myhw ]

hukamee varasan laagae maehaa ||

By His Command, the rain begins to fall.

swjn sMq imil nwmu jpyhw ]

saajan santh mil naam japaehaa ||

The Saints and friends have met to chant the Naam.

sIql sWiq shj suKu pwieAw TwiF pweI pRiB Awpy jIau ]1]

seethal saanth sehaj sukh paaeiaa thaadt paaee prabh aapae jeeo ||1||

Serene tranquility and peaceful ease have come; God Himself has brought a deep and profound peace. ||1||

sBu ikCu bhuqo bhuqu aupwieAw ]

sabh kishh bahutho bahuth oupaaeiaa ||

God has produced everything in great abundance.

kir ikrpw pRiB sgl rjwieAw ]

kar kirapaa prabh sagal rajaaeiaa ||

Granting His Grace, God has satisfied all.

dwiq krhu myry dwqwrw jIA jµq siB DRwpy jIau ]2]

dhaath karahu maerae dhaathaaraa jeea janth sabh dhhraapae jeeo ||2||

Bless us with Your Gifts, O my Great Giver. All beings and creatures are satisfied. ||2||

scw swihbu scI nweI ]

sachaa saahib sachee naaee ||

True is the Master, and True is His Name.

gurprswid iqsu sdw iDAweI ]

gur parasaadh this sadhaa dhhiaaee ||

By Guru's Grace, I meditate forever on Him.

jnm mrx BY kwty mohw ibnsy sog sµqwpy jIau ]3]

janam maran bhai kaattae mohaa binasae sog santhaapae jeeo ||3||

The fear of birth and death has been dispelled; emotional attachment, sorrow and suffering have been erased. ||3||

swis swis nwnku swlwhy ]

saas saas naanak saalaahae ||

With each and every breath, Nanak praises the Lord.

ismrq nwmu kwty siB Pwhy ]

simarath naam kaattae sabh faahae ||

Meditating in remembrance on the Name, all bonds are cut away.

pUrn Aws krI iKn BIqir hir hir hir gux jwpy jIau ]4]27]34]

pooran aas karee khin bheethar har har har gun jaapae jeeo ||4||27||34||

One's hopes are fulfilled in an instant, chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har. ||4||27||34||