SGGSAng 1087Raag MaruMaru Vaar Mahalla 36 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

pauVI ]

pourree ||


inhkµtk rwju Buµic qU gurmuiK scu kmweI ]

nihakanttak raaj bhunch thoo guramukh sach kamaaee ||

Enjoy your kingdom of bliss; as Gurmukh, practice Truth.

scY qKiq bYTw inAwau kir sqsµgiq myil imlweI ]

sachai thakhath baithaa niaao kar sathasangath mael milaaee ||

Sitting upon the throne of Truth, the Lord administers justice; He unites us in Union with the Society of the Saints.

scw aupdysu hir jwpxw hir isau bixAweI ]

sachaa oupadhaes har jaapanaa har sio ban aaee ||

Meditating on the Lord, through the True Teachings, we become just like the Lord.

AYQY suKdwqw min vsY AMiq hoie sKweI ]

aithhai sukhadhaathaa man vasai anth hoe sakhaaee ||

If the Lord, the Giver of peace, abides in the mind, in this world, then in the end, He becomes our help and support.

hir isau pRIiq aUpjI guir soJI pweI ]2]

har sio preeth oopajee gur sojhee paaee ||2||

Love for the Lord wells up, when the Guru imparts understanding. ||2||