Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
AMqir gwvau bwhir gwvau gwvau jwig svwrI ]
anthar gaavo baahar gaavo gaavo jaag savaaree ||
Inwardly, I sing His Praises, and outwardly, I sing His Praises; I sing His Praises while awake and asleep.
sµig cln kau qosw dIn@w goibMd nwm ky ibauhwrI ]1]
sang chalan ko thosaa dheenhaa gobindh naam kae biouhaaree ||1||
I am a trader in the Name of the Lord of the Universe; He has given it to me as my supplies, to carry with me. ||1||
Avr ibswrI ibswrI ]
avar bisaaree bisaaree ||
I have forgotten and forsaken other things.
nwm dwnu guir pUrY dIE mY eyho AwDwrI ]1] rhwau ]
naam dhaan gur poorai dheeou mai eaeho aadhhaaree ||1|| rehaao ||
The Perfect Guru has given me the Gift of the Naam; this alone is my Support. ||1||Pause||
dUKin gwvau suiK BI gwvau mwrig pMiQ sm@wrI ]
dhookhan gaavo sukh bhee gaavo maarag panthh samhaaree ||
I sing His Praises while suffering, and I sing His Praises while I am at peace as well. I contemplate Him while I walk along the Path.
nwm idRVu guir mn mih dIAw morI iqsw buJwrI ]2]
aucwrx buJwrI: polw bolo
naam dhrirr gur man mehi dheeaa moree thisaa bujhaaree ||2||
The Guru has implanted the Naam within my mind, and my thirst has been quenched. ||2||
idnu BI gwvau rYnI gwvau gwvau swis swis rsnwrI ]
dhin bhee gaavo rainee gaavo gaavo saas saas rasanaaree ||
I sing His Praises during the day, and I sing His Praises during the night; I sing them with each and every breath.
sqsµgiq mih ibswsu hoie hir jIvq mrq sµgwrI ]3]
sathasangath mehi bisaas hoe har jeevath marath sangaaree ||3||
In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, this faith is established, that the Lord is with us, in life and in death. ||3||
jn nwnk kau iehu dwnu dyhu pRB pwvau sMq ryn auir DwrI ]
jan naanak ko eihu dhaan dhaehu prabh paavo santh raen our dhhaaree ||
Bless servant Nanak with this gift, O God, that he may obtain, and enshrine in his heart, the dust of the feet of the Saints.
sRvnI kQw nYn drsu pyKau msqku gur crnwrI ]4]2]122]
sravanee kathhaa nain dharas paekho masathak gur charanaaree ||4||2||122||
Hear the Lord's Sermon with your ears, and behold the Blessed Vision of His Darshan with your eyes; place your forehead upon the Guru's Feet. ||4||2||122||
<> siqgur pRswid ]
aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Aasaa, Tenth House, Fifth Mehl:
Awsw Gru 10 mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw Gru dsvw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa ghar 10 mehalaa 5 ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Aasaa, Tenth House, Fifth Mehl:
ijsno qUµ AsiQru kir mwnih qy pwhun do dwhw ]
jis no thoon asathhir kar maanehi thae paahun dho dhaahaa ||
That which you believe to be permanent, is a guest here for only a few days.
puqR klqR igRh sgl smgRI sB imiQAw Asnwhw ]1]
aucwrx kl`qR
puthr kalathr grih sagal samagree sabh mithhiaa asanaahaa ||1||
Children, wives, homes, and all possessions - attachment to all of these is false. ||1||
ry mn ikAw krih hY hwhw ]
aucwrx hw-hw
rae man kiaa karehi hai haa haa ||
O mind, why do you burst out laughing?
idRsit dyKu jYsy hircµdaurI ieku rwm Bjnu lY lwhw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx Bjnu: polw bolo
dhrisatt dhaekh jaisae harichandhouree eik raam bhajan lai laahaa ||1|| rehaao ||
See with your eyes, that these things are only mirages. So earn the profit of meditation on the One Lord. ||1||Pause||
jYsy bsqr dyh EFwny idn doie cwir Borwhw ]
jaisae basathar dhaeh oudtaanae dhin dhoe chaar bhoraahaa ||
It is like the clothes which you wear on your body - they wear off in a few days.
BIiq aUpry kyqku DweIAY AMiq Erko Awhw ]2]
bheeth ooparae kaethak dhhaaeeai anth ourako aahaa ||2||
How long can you run upon a wall? Ultimately, you come to its end. ||2||
jYsy AMB kuMf kir rwiKE prq isMDu gil jwhw ]
aucwrx gil: polw bolo
jaisae anbh kundd kar raakhiou parath sindhh gal jaahaa ||
It is like salt, preserved in its container; when it is put into water, it dissolves.
Awvig AwigAw pwrbRhm kI auiT jwsI muhq cswhw ]3]
aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
aavag aagiaa paarabreham kee outh jaasee muhath chasaahaa ||3||
When the Order of the Supreme Lord God comes, the soul arises, and departs in an instant. ||3||
ry mn lyKY cwlih lyKY bYsih lyKY lYdw swhw ]
rae man laekhai chaalehi laekhai baisehi laekhai laidhaa saahaa ||
O mind, your steps are numbered, your moments spent sitting are numbered, and the breaths you are to take are numbered.
sdw kIriq kir nwnk hir kI aubry siqgur crx Etwhw ]4]1]123]
sadhaa keerath kar naanak har kee oubarae sathigur charan outtaahaa ||4||1||123||
Sing forever the Praises of the Lord, O Nanak, and you shall be saved, under the Shelter of the Feet of the True Guru. ||4||1||123||