Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)10 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

cUM ^udw hwizr Asq dr hmw hwl

choon khudhaa haazir asath dhar hamaa haal

When Waaheguru is Omnipresent to shield us in all predicaments,

qU icrw mI znI idgr pro bwl ] 53 ] 1 ]

thoo chiraa mee zanee dhigar paro baal || 53 || 1 ||

Why are you then wasting your time in making other (useless) efforts? (53) (1)

hmid h¤k go idgr mgo AY jW

hamadh hak go dhigar mago ai jaana

You should praise the Lord, O my heart and soul! Do not utter any other word,

swihib kwl bwS v bMdwie hwl ] 53 ] 2 ]

saahib kaal baash v bandhaae haal || 53 || 2 ||

You should become a meditator of His Naam, and should become a true devotee of the Master. (53) (2)

ZYr Xwid ^udw dmy ik guzSq

ghair yaadh khudhaa dhamae k guzashatha

A moment spent in an activity except in the remembrance of Waaheguru,

eIN zvwl Asq pyiS Aihil kmwl ] 53 ] 3 ]

een zavaal asath paesh ahil kamaal || 53 || 3 ||

In the eyes of noble souls, that is a complete waste and downfall. (53) (3)

mw isvw nIsq hr kujw bInI

maa sivaa neesath har kujaa beenee

Wherever you see, there is nothing but Him,

qU icrw Zw&lI dr AYin vswl ] 53 ] 4 ]

thoo chiraa ghaafalee dhar ain vasaal || 53 || 4 ||

Then, why are you so negligent (in remembering Him) when the meeting with Him is so obvious and clear? (53) (4)

ZYr hri& ^udw mgo goXw

ghair haraf khudhaa mago goyaa

Goyaa! You should not utter any other word except the Naam of Akaalpurakh,

ik idgr pUc hsq kIlo kwl ] 53 ] 5 ]

k dhigar pooch hasath keelo kaal || 53 || 5 ||

Because, every other discourse is absolutely frivolous, hollow and baseless. (53) (5)