Bhai Gurdas JiAng 29Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 298 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

20: siqgur qy is`K swD sMg

The true Guru and the Sikh, association with the saints) ,

siqgur mUriq prgtI gurmuiK suK Plu sbd ivcwrw ]

satigur moorati paragatee guramoukhi soukh phalu sabad vichaaraa.

With the emergence of the true Guru, the gurmukhs got the pleasure fruit of the pondering upon the Word.

iekdU hoie shs Plu guru isK swDsMgiq EAMkwrw ]

ikadoo hoi sahas phalu guru sikh saadh sangati aoankaaraa.

From that one Oankar, thousands of fruits emerged in the form of Gum, Sikh, and holy congregation.

ifTw suixAw mMinAw snmuiK sy ivrly sYswrw ]

ditdaa souniaa manniaa sanamoukhi say viralay saisaaraa.

Rare are the Gurmukhs who being face to face with the Guru have seen him, listened to him and have obeyed his commands.

pihlo dy pwKwk hoie ipChu jgu mMgY pg Cwrw ]

pahilo day paa khaak hoi pichhahu jagu mangai pag chhaaraa.

First, they become the dust of the feet of the Guru and later on, the whole world desires the dust of their feet.

gurmuiK mwrgu cilAw scu vxju kir pwir auqwrw ]

guramoukhi maaragu chaliaa sachu vanaju kari paari outaaraa.

Treading the path of Gurmukhs and transacting in truth, one goes across (the world ocean).

kImiq koie n jwxeI AwKix suxin n ilKixhwrw ]

keemati koi n jaanaee aakhani sounani n likhanihaaraa.

None knows the glory of such persons nor can it be written, listened to and talked about.

swDsMgiq gur sbdu ipAwrw ]20]

saadhasangati gur sabadu piaaraa ||20||

In the holy congregation, only the word of the Guru, is loved.