SGGSAng 394Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

srb dUK jb ibsrih suAwmI ]

sarab dhookh jab bisarehi suaamee ||

Everything is painful, when one forgets the Lord Master.

eIhw aUhw kwim n pRwnI ]1]

eehaa oohaa kaam n praanee ||1||

Here and hereafter, such a mortal is useless. ||1||

sMq iqRpqwsy hir hir D´wie ]

aucwrx D´wie: iDAwie bolo

santh thripathaasae har har dhhyaae ||

The Saints are satisfied, meditating on the Lord, Har, Har.

kir ikrpw ApunY nwie lwey srb sUK pRB qumrI rjwie ] rhwau ]

aucwrx rjwie: polw bolo

kar kirapaa apunai naae laaeae sarab sookh prabh thumaree rajaae || rehaao ||

Bestowing Your Mercy, God, You attach us to Your Name; all peace comes by Your Will. ||Pause||

sµig hovq kau jwnq dUir ]

sang hovath ko jaanath dhoor ||

The Lord is Ever-present; one who deems Him to be far away,

so jnu mrqw inq inq JUir ]2]

so jan marathaa nith nith jhoor ||2||

Dies again and again, repenting. ||2||

ijin sBu ikCu dIAw iqsu icqvq nwih ]

jin sabh kishh dheeaa this chithavath naahi ||

The mortals do not remember the One, who has given them everything.

mhw ibiKAw mih idnu rYin jwih ]3]

mehaa bikhiaa mehi dhin rain jaahi ||3||

Engrossed in such terrible corruption, their days and nights waste away. ||3||

khu nwnk pRBu ismrhu eyk ]

kahu naanak prabh simarahu eaek ||

Says Nanak, meditate in remembrance of the One Lord God.

giq pweIAY gur pUry tyk ]4]3]97]

gath paaeeai gur poorae ttaek ||4||3||97||

Salvation is obtained, in the Shelter of the Perfect Guru. ||4||3||97||