SGGSAng 364Raag AsaMahalla 323 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 pMcpdy ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw pMc-pdy

aasaa mehalaa 3 panchapadhae ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl, Panch-Padas:

sbid mrY iqsu sdw Anµd ]

sabadh marai this sadhaa anandh ||

One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, finds eternal bliss.

siqgur Byty gur goibMd ]

sathigur bhaettae gur gobindh ||

He is united with the True Guru, the Guru, the Lord God.

nw iPir mrY n AwvY jwie ]

naa fir marai n aavai jaae ||

He does not die any more, and he does not come or go.

pUry gur qy swic smwie ]1]

poorae gur thae saach samaae ||1||

Through the Perfect Guru, he merges with the True Lord. ||1||

ijn@ kau nwmu iliKAw Duir lyKu ]

jinh ko naam likhiaa dhhur laekh ||

One who has the Naam, the Name of the Lord, written in his pre-ordained destiny,

qy Anidnu nwmu sdw iDAwvih gur pUry qy Bgiq ivsyKu ]1] rhwau ]

thae anadhin naam sadhaa dhhiaavehi gur poorae thae bhagath visaekh ||1|| rehaao ||

Night and day, meditates forever on the Naam; he obtains the wondrous blessing of devotional love from the Perfect Guru. ||1||Pause||

ijn@ kau hir pRBu ley imlwie ]

jinh ko har prabh leae milaae ||

Those, whom the Lord God has blended with Himself

iqn kI ghxgiq khI n jwie ]

thinh kee gehan gath kehee n jaae ||

Their sublime state cannot be described.

pUrY siqgur idqI vifAweI ]

poorai sathigur dhithee vaddiaaee ||

The Perfect True Guru has given the Glorious Greatness,

aUqm pdvI hir nwim smweI ]2]

ootham padhavee har naam samaaee ||2||

Of the most exalted order, and I am absorbed into the Lord's Name. ||2||

jo ikCu kry su Awpy Awip ]

jo kishh karae s aapae aap ||

Whatever the Lord does, He does all by Himself.

eyk GVI mih Qwip auQwip ]

eaek gharree mehi thhaap outhhaap ||

In an instant, He establishes, and disestablishes.

kih kih khxw AwiK suxwey ]

kehi kehi kehanaa aakh sunaaeae ||

By merely speaking, talking, shouting and preaching about the Lord,

jy sau Gwly Qwie n pwey ]3]

jae so ghaalae thhaae n paaeae ||3||

Even hundreds of times, the mortal is not approved. ||3||

ijn kY poqY puMnu iqnw gurU imlwey ]

jinh kai pothai punn thinhaa guroo milaaeae ||

The Guru meets with those, who take virtue as their treasure;

scu bwxI guru sbdu suxwey ]

sach baanee gur sabadh sunaaeae ||

They listen to the True Word of the Guru's Bani, the Shabad.

jhW sbdu vsY qhW duKu jwey ]

jehaan sabadh vasai thehaan dhukh jaaeae ||

Pain departs, from that place where the Shabad abides.

igAwin rqin swcY shij smwey ]4]

giaan rathan saachai sehaj samaaeae ||4||

By the jewel of spiritual wisdom, one is easily absorbed into the True Lord. ||4||

nwvY jyvfu horu Dnu nwhI koie ]

naavai jaevadd hor dhhan naahee koe ||

No other wealth is as great as the Naam.

ijsno bKsy swcw soie ]

jis no bakhasae saachaa soe ||

It is bestowed only by the True Lord.

pUrY sbid mMin vswey ]

poorai sabadh mann vasaaeae ||

Through the Perfect Word of the Shabad, it abides in the mind.

nwnk nwim rqy suKu pwey ]5]11]50]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak naam rathae sukh paaeae ||5||11||50||

O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, peace is obtained. ||5||11||50||