SGGSAng 364Raag AsaMahalla 323 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

inriq kry bhu vwjy vjwey ]

aucwrx inriq: polw bolo

nirath karae bahu vaajae vajaaeae ||

One may dance and play numerous instruments;

iehu mnu AMDw bolw hY iksu AwiK suxwey ]

aucwrx bolw: polw bolo

eihu man andhhaa bolaa hai kis aakh sunaaeae ||

But this mind is blind and deaf, so for whose benefit is this speaking and preaching?

AMqir loBu Brmu Anlvwau ]

aucwrx Anl-vwau

anthar lobh bharam anal vaao ||

Deep within is the fire of greed, and the dust-storm of doubt.

dIvw blY n soJI pwie ]1]

dheevaa balai n sojhee paae ||1||

The lamp of knowledge is not burning, and understanding is not obtained. ||1||

gurmuiK Bgiq Git cwnxu hoie ]

guramukh bhagath ghatt chaanan hoe ||

The Gurmukh has the light of devotional worship within his heart.

Awpu pCwix imlY pRBu soie ]1] rhwau ]

aap pashhaan milai prabh soe ||1|| rehaao ||

Understanding his own self, he meets God. ||1||Pause||

gurmuiK inriq hir lwgY Bwau ]

aucwrx inriq: polw bolo

guramukh nirath har laagai bhaao ||

The Gurmukh's dance is to embrace love for the Lord;

pUry qwl ivchu Awpu gvwie ]

poorae thaal vichahu aap gavaae ||

To the beat of the drum, he sheds his ego from within.

myrw pRBu swcw Awpy jwxu ]

maeraa prabh saachaa aapae jaan ||

My God is True; He Himself is the Knower of all.

gur kY sbid AMqir bRhmu pCwxu ]2]

aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

gur kai sabadh anthar breham pashhaan ||2||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, recognize the Creator Lord within yourself. ||2||

gurmuiK Bgiq AMqir pRIiq ipAwru ]

guramukh bhagath anthar preeth piaar ||

The Gurmukh is filled with devotional love for the Beloved Lord.

gur kw sbdu shij vIcwru ]

gur kaa sabadh sehaj veechaar ||

He intuitively reflects upon the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

gurmuiK Bgiq jugiq scu soie ]

guramukh bhagath jugath sach soe ||

For the Gurmukh, loving devotional worship is the way to the True Lord.

pwKMif Bgiq inriq duKu hoie ]3]

aucwrx inriq: polw bolo

paakhandd bhagath nirath dhukh hoe ||3||

But the dances and the worship of the hypocrites bring only pain. ||3||

eyhw Bgiq jnu jIvq mrY ]

eaehaa bhagath jan jeevath marai ||

True Devotion is to remain dead while yet alive.

gurprswdI Bvjlu qrY ]

gur parasaadhee bhavajal tharai ||

By Guru's Grace, one crosses over the terrible world-ocean.

gur kY bcin Bgiq Qwie pwie ]

gur kai bachan bhagath thhaae paae ||

Through the Guru's Teachings, one's devotion is accepted,

hir jIau Awip vsY min Awie ]4]

har jeeo aap vasai man aae ||4||

And then, the Dear Lord Himself comes to dwell in the mind. ||4||

hir ikRpw kry siqgurU imlwey ]

har kirapaa karae sathiguroo milaaeae ||

When the Lord bestows His Mercy, He leads us to meet the True Guru.

inhcl Bgiq hir isau icqu lwey ]

nihachal bhagath har sio chith laaeae ||

Then, one's devotion becomes steady, and the consciousness is centered upon the Lord.

Bgiq rqy iqn scI soie ]

aucwrx r`qy

bhagath rathae thinh sachee soe ||

Those who are imbued with Devotion have truthful reputations.

nwnk nwim rqy suKu hoie ]5]12]51]

aucwrx r`qy

naanak naam rathae sukh hoe ||5||12||51||

O Nanak, imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, peace is obtained. ||5||12||51||