SGGSAng 363Raag AsaMahalla 319 linesGuru Amar Das Ji

Awsw mhlw 3 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw qIjw

aasaa mehalaa 3 ||

Aasaa, Third Mehl:

guru swieru siqguru scu soie ]

gur saaeir sathigur sach soe ||

The Guru is the Ocean; the True Guru is the Embodiment of Truth.

pUrY Bwig gur syvw hoie ]

poorai bhaag gur saevaa hoe ||

Through perfect good destiny, one serves the Guru.

so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey ]

aucwrx bU`JY; bu`Jwey

so boojhai jis aap bujhaaeae ||

He alone understands, whom the Lord Himself inspires to understand.

gurprswdI syv krwey ]1]

gur parasaadhee saev karaaeae ||1||

By Guru's Grace, one serves Him. ||1||

igAwn rqin sB soJI hoie ]

giaan rathan sabh sojhee hoe ||

With the jewel of spiritual wisdom, total understanding is obtained.

gurprswid AigAwnu ibnwsY Anidnu jwgY vyKY scu soie ]1] rhwau ]

gur parasaadh agiaan binaasai anadhin jaagai vaekhai sach soe ||1|| rehaao ||

By Guru's Grace, ignorance is dispelled; one then remains wakeful, night and day, and beholds the True Lord. ||1||Pause||

mohu gumwnu gur sbid jlwey ]

mohu gumaan gur sabadh jalaaeae ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, attachment and pride are burnt away.

pUry gur qy soJI pwey ]

poorae gur thae sojhee paaeae ||

From the Perfect Guru, true understanding is obtained.

AMqir mhlu gur sbid pCwxY ]

anthar mehal gur sabadh pashhaanai ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one realizes the Lord's Presence within.

Awvx jwxu rhY iQru nwim smwxy ]2]

aavan jaan rehai thhir naam samaanae ||2||

Then, one's coming and going cease, and one becomes stable, absorbed in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||

jµmxu mrxw hY sMswru ]

janman maranaa hai sansaar ||

The world is tied to birth and death.

mnmuKu Acyqu mwieAw mohu gubwru ]

manamukh achaeth maaeiaa mohu gubaar ||

The unconscious, self-willed manmukh is enveloped in the darkness of Maya and emotional attachment.

pr inMdw bhu kUVu kmwvY ]

par nindhaa bahu koorr kamaavai ||

He slanders others, and practices utter falsehood.

ivstw kw kIVw ivstw mwih smwvY ]3]

visattaa kaa keerraa visattaa maahi samaavai ||3||

He is a maggot in manure, and into manure he is absorbed. ||3||

sqsµgiq imil sB soJI pwey ]

sathasangath mil sabh sojhee paaeae ||

Joining the True Congregation, the Sat Sangat, total understanding is obtained.

gur kw sbdu hir Bgiq idRVwey ]

gur kaa sabadh har bhagath dhrirraaeae ||

Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, devotional love for the Lord is implanted.

Bwxw mMny sdw suKu hoie ]

bhaanaa mannae sadhaa sukh hoe ||

One who surrenders to the Lord's Will is peaceful forever.

nwnk sic smwvY soie ]4]10]49]

naanak sach samaavai soe ||4||10||49||

O Nanak, he is absorbed into the True Lord. ||4||10||49||