SGGSAng 1254Raag MalarMahalla 111 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mlwr mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mlwr mh`lw pihlw

malaar mehalaa 1 ||

Malaar, First Mehl:

krau ibnau gur Apny pRIqm hir vru Awix imlwvY ]

karo bino gur apanae preetham har var aan milaavai ||

I offer prayers to my Beloved Guru, that He may unite me with my Husband Lord.

suix Gn Gor sIqlu mnu morw lwl rqI gux gwvY ]1]

aucwrx r`qI

sun ghan ghor seethal man moraa laal rathee gun gaavai ||1||

I hear the thunder in the clouds, and my mind is cooled and soothed; imbued with the Love of my Dear Beloved, I sing His Glorious Praises. ||1||

brsu Gnw myrw mnu BInw ]

baras ghanaa maeraa man bheenaa ||

The rain pours down, and my mind is drenched with His Love.

AMimRq bUMd suhwnI hIArY guir mohI mnu hir ris lInw ]1] rhwau ]

anmrith boondh suhaanee heearai gur mohee man har ras leenaa ||1|| rehaao ||

The drop of Ambrosial Nectar pleases my heart; the Guru has fascinated my mind, which is drenched in the sublime essence of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

shij suKI vr kwmix ipAwrI ijsu gur bcnI mnu mwinAw ]

sehaj sukhee var kaaman piaaree jis gur bachanee man maaniaa ||

With intuitive peace and poise, the soul-bride is loved by her Husband Lord; her mind is pleased and appeased by the Guru's Teachings.

hir vir nwir BeI sohwgix min qin pRymu suKwinAw ]2]

har var naar bhee sohaagan man than praem sukhaaniaa ||2||

She is the happy soul-bride of her Husband Lord; her mind and body are filled with joy by His Love. ||2||

Avgx iqAwig BeI bYrwgin AsiQru vru sohwgu hrI ]

aucwrx bY-rwgin

avagan thiaag bhee bairaagan asathhir var sohaag haree ||

Discarding her demerits, she becomes detached; with the Lord as her Husband, her marriage is eternal.

sogu ivjogu iqsu kdy n ivAwpY hir pRiB ApxI ikrpw krI ]3]

sog vijog this kadhae n viaapai har prabh apanee kirapaa karee ||3||

She never suffers separation or sorrow; her Lord God showers her with His Grace. ||3||

Awvx jwxu nhI mnu inhclu pUry gur kI Et ghI ]

aavan jaan nehee man nihachal poorae gur kee outt gehee ||

Her mind is steady and stable; she does not come and go in reincarnation.

nwnk rwm nwmu jip gurmuiK Dnu sohwgix scu shI ]4]2]

naanak raam naam jap guramukh dhhan sohaagan sach sehee ||4||2||

She takes the Shelter of the Perfect Guru. O Nanak, as Gurmukh, chant the Naam; you shall be accepted as the true soul-bride of the Lord. ||4||2||