Awsw ]
aasaa ||
hir hir hir hir hir hir hry ]
har har har har har har harae ||
The Lord, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Har, Haray.
hir ismrq jn gey insqir qry ]1] rhwau ]
har simarath jan geae nisathar tharae ||1|| rehaao ||
Meditating on the Lord, the humble are carried across to salvation. ||1||Pause||
hir ky nwm kbIr aujwgr ]
aucwrx au-jwgr
har kae naam kabeer oujaagar ||
Through the Lord's Name, Kabeer became famous and respected.
jnm jnm ky kwty kwgr ]1]
janam janam kae kaattae kaagar ||1||
The accounts of his past incarnations were torn up. ||1||
inmq nwmdyau dUDu pIAwieAw ]
aucwrx pI-AwieAw
nimath naamadhaeo dhoodhh peeaaeiaa ||
Because of Naam Dayv's devotion, the Lord drank the milk he offered.
qau jg jnm sµkt nhI AwieAw ]2]
tho jag janam sankatt nehee aaeiaa ||2||
He shall not have to suffer the pains of reincarnation into the world again. ||2||
jn rivdws rwm rµig rwqw ]
aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws); rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
jan ravidhaas raam rang raathaa ||
Servant Ravi Daas is imbued with the Lord's Love.
ieau gurprswid nrk nhI jwqw ]3]5]
eio gur parasaadh narak nehee jaathaa ||3||5||
By Guru's Grace, he shall not have to go to hell. ||3||5||
mwtI ko puqrw kYsy ncqu hY ]
maattee ko putharaa kaisae nachath hai ||
How does the puppet of clay dance?
dyKY dyKY sunY bolY dauirE iPrqu hY ]1] rhwau ]
dhaekhai dhaekhai sunai bolai dhouriou firath hai ||1|| rehaao ||
He looks and listens, hears and speaks, and runs around. ||1||Pause||
jb kCu pwvY qb grbu krqu hY ]
jab kashh paavai thab garab karath hai ||
When he acquires something, he is inflated with ego.
mwieAw geI qb rovnu lgqu hY ]1]
maaeiaa gee thab rovan lagath hai ||1||
But when his wealth is gone, then he cries and bewails. ||1||
mn bc kRm rs ksih luBwnw ]
man bach kram ras kasehi lubhaanaa ||
In thought, word and deed, he is attached to the sweet and tangy flavors.
ibnis gieAw jwie khUµ smwnw ]2]
binas gaeiaa jaae kehoon samaanaa ||2||
When he dies, no one knows where he has gone. ||2||
kih rivdws bwjI jgu BweI ]
aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)
kehi ravidhaas baajee jag bhaaee ||
Says Ravi Daas, the world is just a dramatic play, O Siblings of Destiny.
bwjIgr sau muoih pRIiq binAweI ]3]6]
aucwrx mouih: moih bolo
baajeegar so muohi preeth ban aaee ||3||6||
I have enshrined love for the Lord, the star of the show. ||3||6||