Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)14 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

qw Aw&rIdw Asq mrw AW ^udwie pwk

thaa aafareedhaa asath maraa aan khudhaae paaka

The chaste Akaalpurakh, the Protector of all, has given me birth for the reason,

juz hri& nwim h`k inAwied iz ijsim ^wk ] 51 ] 1 ]

juz haraf naam hak niaaeidh z jisam khaak || 51 || 1 ||

That nothing else but the Naam of the Beneficient should come out of this torso of dust. (51) (1)

dr ihjir qusq jwno idil AwSkW cunIN

dhar hijar thusath jaano dhil aashakaan chuneena

The state of the heart and soul of your lovers during their separation from you is such,

cUM lwlw dwZ br ijgro sInw cwk cwk ] 51 ] 2 ]

choon laalaa dhaagh bar jigaro seenaa chaak chaak || 51 || 2 ||

That their heart is scarred like a poppy flower and their soul torn apart. (51) (2)

eIN gu&qw Asq mrg ik by-Xwid h`k bvd

een gufathaa asath marag k bae-yaadh hak bavadha

The time spent without remembering You has been called the 'death',

cUM swieAw qU hsq ndwrym hIc bwk ] 51 ] 3 ]

choon saaeiaa thoo hasath nadhaaraem heech baak || 51 || 3 ||

But as long as I am blessed to be under your protection, I have no fear (of death). (51) (3)

q^qo ngIN guzwSqw SwhW z bihry qU

thakhatho nageen guzaashathaa shaahaan z behirae thoo

The kings and emperors gave up their thrones and crowns for you, O Guru,

ibkuSw iz ru^ nkwb ik Awlm Sudw hlwk ] 51 ] 4 ]

bikushaa z rukh nakaab k aalam shudhaa halaak || 51 || 4 ||

Please take off the veil from your face, because the world is lying dead (longing to see Your face). (51) (4)

AY ^wik drgih qU S&w-b^iS Awlm Asq

ai khaak dharagehi thoo shafaa-bakhash aalam asatha

Your heavenly dust blesses the suffering world with healthiness, kindly

rihmy ibkun bhwil grIbwin drdnwk ] 51 ] 5 ]

rehimae bikun behaal gareebaan dharadhanaak || 51 || 5 ||

Be merciful on the painful conditions of these poor strangers. (51) (5)

duinAw-sq kW ^rwb kuin hr do Awlm Asq

dhuniaa-sath kaan kharaab kun har dho aalam asatha

It is this world that destroys both the universes,

dwrw b^wk r&qw E kwrUM Sudw hlwk ] 51 ] 6 ]

dhaaraa bakhaak rafathaa ou kaaroon shudhaa halaak || 51 || 6 ||

Kings like blood-thirsty Daaraa were amalgamated with the dust and Kaaroon-like brave men were killed all in the avarice for this world. (51) (6)

cSmm hmySw by qU guhr bwr mI Svd

chashamam hamaeshaa bae thoo guhar baar mee shavadha

Goyaa says, Without you, O Guru! My eyes always keep dropping pearls like tears (in)

goXw imswil dwnw ik Az ^oSw-hwie qwk ] 51 ] 7 ]

goyaa misaal dhaanaa k az khoshaa-haae thaak || 51 || 7 ||

The same manner that grapes keep falling from their bunches of vines. (51) (7)