Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)18 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

ibSnO Az mn hr&y Az r&qwir ieSk

bishanaau az man harafae az rafathaar eishaka

Please listen from me about the demeanor of 'love',

qw b-XwbI l`zq Az gu&qwir ieSk ] 50 ] 1 ]

thaa ba-yaabee lazath az gufathaar eishak || 50 || 1 ||

So that you may begin to savor the taste of romantic tale. (50) (1)

ieSik mOlw hr ik rw imsmwr krd

eishak maaualaa har k raa misamaar karadha

Even if the deep love for the Almighty ruins someone's worldly life,

muZqnm dwnd srUir kwir ieSk ] 50 ] 2 ]

mughathanam dhaanadh saroor kaar eishak || 50 || 2 ||

He still considers this divine pleasure far superior than anything else. (50) (2)

AW zhy dm ku bXwdS ibguzrd

aan zehae dham k bayaadhash biguzaradha

That moment and breath is blessed that is spent in His remembrance.

sr hmw ^uS kU rvd dr kwir ieSk ] 50 ] 3 ]

sar hamaa khush koo ravadh dhar kaar eishak || 50 || 3 ||

And only that head is fortunate that dedicates and sacrifices itself to the path of devotion. (50) (3)

sd hzwrW jW b-k& dr rwih aU

sadh hazaaraan jaan ba-kaf dhar raahi oo

Thousands of devotees, having risked their lives, are standing and

eIsqwdw qkIAw br dIvwir ieSk ] 50 ] 4 ]

eesathaadhaa thakeeaa bar dheevaar eishak || 50 || 4 ||

Reclining against the wall of the passage to His abode. (50) (4)

hr ik Sud dr rwih mOlw by-Adb

har k shudh dhar raahi maaualaa bae-adhaba

Anyone who has been sacrilegious in the Divine path,

hmcU mnsUrS szd by dwir ieSk ] 50 ] 5 ]

hamachoo manasoorash sazadh bae dhaar eishak || 50 || 5 ||

Like Manssor, the crucifix (of love) is the befitting punishment for him. (50) (5)

AY zhy idl kU iz ieSik h`k pur Asq

ai zehae dhil koo z eishak hak pur asatha

Blessed is the heart that is imbued with its love for Akaalpurakh;

^m Sudw puSiq &lk Az bwir ieSk ] 50 ] 6 ]

kham shudhaa pushath falak az baar eishak || 50 || 6 ||

In fact, it is the (heavy) weight of intense devotion that has bent the back of the heavenly sky. (50) (6)

izMdw mwnI dwiemw AY nyk ^U

zindhaa maanee dhaaeimaa ai naek khoo

O kind-hearted person and a person of resolve! If you could listen intently to just one note of the musical instrument (harp) of love and devotion,

ibSnvI gr zmzmw Az qwir ieSk ] 50 ] 7 ]

bishanavee gar zamazamaa az thaar eishak || 50 || 7 ||

You will become immortal forever. (50) (7)

bwdSwhW slqnq ibguzwSqMd

baadhashaahaan salathanath biguzaashathandha

The kings abrogated their entire empires, So that

qw SvMd AW mihrim Asrwir ieSk ] 50 ] 8 ]

thaa shavandh aan mehiram asaraar eishak || 50 || 8 ||

They could understand and realize the mysteries and tempo of love. (50) (8)

mrhmy juz bMdgI dIgr n dId

marehamae juz bandhagee dheegar n dheedha

Anyone who has been struck by the love-bug (disease), like Goyaa,

hmcU goXw hr ik Sud bImwir ieSk ] 50 ] 9 ]

hamachoo goyaa har k shudh beemaar eishak || 50 || 9 ||

He has not seen any other ointment except submission and the meditation of (the Naam of) Waaheguru. (50) (9)