Bhai Gurdas JiAng 27Bhai Gurdas Ji's VaarsVaar 278 linesBhai Gurdas Ji

<> siqgur pRswid ]

ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||

One Oankaar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor

1: lylw mjnUM Awd pRymI ]

ikonkaar satigur prasaadi ||

One Oankaar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor

lylY mjnUM AwskI chu ckI jwqI ]

lailay majanoon aasakee chahu chakee jaatee.

The lovers Lana and Majanu are well known in all the quarters of the world.

soriT bIjw gwvIAY jsu suGVw vwqI ]

soratdi beejaa gaaveeai jasu sougharhaa vaatee.

The excellent song of Sorath and Bija is sung in every direction.

ssI puMnUM dosqI huie jwiq AjwqI ]

sasee pounnoon dosatee hui jaati ajaatee.

The love of Sassi and Punnü, though of different castes, is everywhere spoken of.

myhIvwl no sohxI nY qrdI rwqI ]

mayheevaal no sohanee nai taradee raatee.

The fame of Sohni who used to swim the Chenab river in the ht to meet Mahival is well known.

rWJw hIr vKwxIAY Ehu iprm prwqI ]

raanjhaa heer vakhaaneeai aohu piram paraatee.

Ranjha and Hir are renowned for the love they bore each other.

pIr murIdw iprhVI gwvin prBwqI ]1]

peer mureedaa piraharhee gaavani parabhaatee ||1||

But superior to all is the love the disciples bear their Guru.They sing it at the ambrosial hour of morning.