2: murIdW dI pRIiq
Love of the disciples
AmlI Amlu n CfnI huie bhin iekTy ]
amalee amalu n chhadanee hui bahani ikatday.
Opium-eaters eschew not opium and sit down together to eat it.
ijau jUey jUAwrIAw lig dwv aupTy ]
jiu jooay jooaareeaa lagi daav oupatday.
Gamblers indulge in play and lose their stakes.
corI cor n plrih duK shin grTy ]
choree chor n palarahi doukh sahani garatday.
Thieves do not abandon thieving and suffer punishment when caught.
rhin n gixkw vwiVAhu vykrmI lTy ]
rahani n ganikaa vaarhiahu vaykaramee latday.
The evil-doers do not remain away from the house of the ill-repute women though they sell off even their clothes to provide for them.
pwpI pwpu kmwvdy hoie iPrdy nTy ]
paapee paapu kamaavaday hoi dhiraday natday.
Sinners commit sin anu abscond to avoid punishment.
pIr murIdw iprhVI sB pwp pxTy ]2]
peer mureedaa piraharhee sabh paap panatday ||2||
But, contrary to all these, the Sikhs of the Guru, (whose companionship is far from being injurious) love their Guru, and he absolves them of all their sins.