mwrU mhlw 1 ]
aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw
maaroo mehalaa 1 ||
Maaroo, First Mehl:
srix pry gurdyv qumwrI ]
saran parae guradhaev thumaaree ||
O Divine Guru, I have entered Your Sanctuary.
qU smrQu dieAwlu murwrI ]
thoo samarathh dhaeiaal muraaree ||
You are the Almighty Lord, the Merciful Lord.
qyry coj n jwxY koeI qU pUrw purKu ibDwqw hy ]1]
thaerae choj n jaanai koee thoo pooraa purakh bidhhaathaa hae ||1||
No one knows Your wondrous plays; You are the perfect Architect of Destiny. ||1||
qU Awid jugwid krih pRiqpwlw ]
aucwrx pRiq-pwlw: 'pR' ishwrI rihq bolo
thoo aadh jugaadh karehi prathipaalaa ||
From the very beginning of time, and throughout the ages, You cherish and sustain Your beings.
Git Git rUpu AnUpu dieAwlw ]
ghatt ghatt roop anoop dhaeiaalaa ||
You are in each and every heart, O Merciful Lord of incomparable beauty.
ijau quDu BwvY iqvY clwvih sBu qyro kIAw kmwqw hy ]2]
aucwrx kmwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
jio thudhh bhaavai thivai chalaavehi sabh thaero keeaa kamaathaa hae ||2||
As You will, You cause all to walk; everyone acts according to Your Command. ||2||
AMqir joiq BlI jgjIvn ]
anthar joth bhalee jagajeevan ||
Deep within the nucleus of all, is the Light of the Life of the World.
siB Gt BogY hir rsu pIvn ]
sabh ghatt bhogai har ras peevan ||
The Lord enjoys the hearts of all, and drinks in their essence.
Awpy lyvY Awpy dyvY iqhu loeI jgq ipq dwqw hy ]3]
aapae laevai aapae dhaevai thihu loee jagath pith dhaathaa hae ||3||
He Himself gives, and He himself takes; He is the generous father of the beings of the three worlds. ||3||
jgqu aupwie Kylu rcwieAw ]
jagath oupaae khael rachaaeiaa ||
Creating the world, He has set His play into motion.
pvxY pwxI AgnI jIau pwieAw ]
pavanai paanee aganee jeeo paaeiaa ||
He placed the soul in the body of air, water and fire.
dyhI ngrI nau drvwjy so dsvw gupqu rhwqw hy ]4]
dhaehee nagaree no dharavaajae so dhasavaa gupath rehaathaa hae ||4||
The body-village has nine gates; the Tenth Gate remains hidden. ||4||
cwir ndI AgnI Asrwlw ]
chaar nadhee aganee asaraalaa ||
There are four horrible rivers of fire.
koeI gurmuiK bUJY sbid inrwlw ]
aucwrx bU`JY
koee guramukh boojhai sabadh niraalaa ||
How rare is that Gurmukh who understands this, and through the Word of the Shabad, remains unattached.
swkq durmiq fUbih dwJih guir rwKy hir ilv rwqw hy ]5]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
saakath dhuramath ddoobehi dhaajhehi gur raakhae har liv raathaa hae ||5||
The faithless cynics are drowned and burnt through their evil-mindedness. The Guru saves those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord. ||5||
Apu qyju vwie ipRQmI Awkwsw ]
ap thaej vaae prithhamee aakaasaa ||
Water, fire, air, earth and ether
iqn mih pMc qqu Gir vwsw ]
thin mehi panch thath ghar vaasaa ||
In that house of the five elements, they dwell.
siqgur sbid rhih rµig rwqw qij mwieAw haumY BRwqw hy ]6]
aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo
sathigur sabadh rehehi rang raathaa thaj maaeiaa houmai bhraathaa hae ||6||
Those who remain imbued with the Word of the True Guru's Shabad, renounce Maya, egotism and doubt. ||6||
iehu mnu BIjY sbid pqIjY ]
eihu man bheejai sabadh patheejai ||
This mind is drenched with the Shabad, and satisfied.
ibnu nwvY ikAw tyk itkIjY ]
aucwrx itkIjY: polw bolo
bin naavai kiaa ttaek ttikeejai ||
Without the Name, what support can anyone have?
AMqir coru muhY Gru mMdru iein swkiq dUqu n jwqw hy ]7]
anthar chor muhai ghar mandhar ein saakath dhooth n jaathaa hae ||7||
The temple of the body is being plundered by the thieves within, but this faithless cynic does not even recognize these demons. ||7||
duµdr dUq BUq BIhwly ]
dhundhar dhooth bhooth bheehaalae ||
They are argumentative demons, terrifying goblins.
iKMcoqwix krih byqwly ]
aucwrx iKMco-qwix
khinchothaan karehi baethaalae ||
These demons stir up conflict and strife.
sbd suriq ibnu AwvY jwvY piq KoeI Awvq jwqw hy ]8]
sabadh surath bin aavai jaavai path khoee aavath jaathaa hae ||8||
Without awareness of the Shabad, one comes and goes in reincarnation; he loses his honor in this coming and going. ||8||
kUVu klru qnu BsmY FyrI ]
aucwrx k`lru
koorr kalar than bhasamai dtaeree ||
The body of the false person is just a pile of barren dirt.
ibnu nwvY kYsI piq qyrI ]
bin naavai kaisee path thaeree ||
Without the Name, what honor can you have?
bwDy mukiq nwhI jug cwry jmkµkir kwil prwqw hy ]9]
baadhhae mukath naahee jug chaarae jamakankar kaal paraathaa hae ||9||
Bound and gagged throughout the four ages, there is no liberation; the Messenger of Death keeps such a person under his gaze. ||9||
jm dir bwDy imlih sjweI ]
jam dhar baadhhae milehi sajaaee ||
At Death's door, he is tied up and punished;
iqsu AprwDI giq nhI kweI ]
this aparaadhhee gath nehee kaaee ||
Such a sinner does not obtain salvation.
krx plwv kry ibllwvY ijau kuµfI mInu prwqw hy ]10]
karan palaav karae bilalaavai jio kunddee meen paraathaa hae ||10||
He cries out in pain, like the fish pierced by the hook. ||10||
swkqu PwsI pVY iekylw ]
aucwrx pVY: polw bolo
saakath faasee parrai eikaelaa ||
The faithless cynic is caught in the noose all alone.
jm vis kIAw AMDu duhylw ]
jam vas keeaa andhh dhuhaelaa ||
The miserable spiritually blind person is caught in the power of Death.
rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n sUJY Awju kwil pic jwqw hy ]11]
raam naam bin mukath n soojhai aaj kaal pach jaathaa hae ||11||
Without the Lord's Name, liberation is not known. He shall waste away, today or tomorrow. ||11||
siqgur bwJu n bylI koeI ]
sathigur baajh n baelee koee ||
Other than the True Guru, no one is your friend.
AYQY EQY rwKw pRBu soeI ]
aithhai outhhai raakhaa prabh soee ||
Here and hereafter, God is the Savior.
rwm nwmu dyvY kir ikrpw ieau sllY sll imlwqw hy ]12]
raam naam dhaevai kar kirapaa eio salalai salal milaathaa hae ||12||
He grants His Grace, and bestows the Lord's Name. He merges with Him, like water with water. ||12||
BUly isK gurU smJwey ]
bhoolae sikh guroo samajhaaeae ||
The Guru instructs His wandering Sikhs;
auJiV jwdy mwrig pwey ]
oujharr jaadhae maarag paaeae ||
If they go astray, He sets them on the right path.
iqsu gur syiv sdw idnu rwqI duK Bµjn sµig sKwqw hy ]13]
this gur saev sadhaa dhin raathee dhukh bhanjan sang sakhaathaa hae ||13||
So serve the Guru, forever, day and night; He is the Destroyer of pain - He is with you as your companion. ||13||
gur kI Bgiq krih ikAw pRwxI ]
gur kee bhagath karehi kiaa praanee ||
O mortal being, what devotional worship have you performed to the Guru?
bRhmY ieMidR mhyis n jwxI ]
aucwrx bRhmY: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
brehamai eindhr mehaes n jaanee ||
Even Brahma, Indra and Shiva do not know it.
siqguru AlKu khhu ikau lKIAY ijsu bKsy iqsih pCwqw hy ]14]
aucwrx Al`Ku
sathigur alakh kehahu kio lakheeai jis bakhasae thisehi pashhaathaa hae ||14||
Tell me, how can the unknowable True Guru be known? He alone attains this realization, whom the Lord forgives. ||14||
AMqir pRymu prwpiq drsnu ]
anthar praem paraapath dharasan ||
One who has love within, obtains the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.
gurbwxI isau pRIiq suprsnu ]
aucwrx su-prsnu
gurabaanee sio preeth s parasan ||
One who enshrines love for the Word of the Guru's Bani, meets with Him.
Aihinis inrml joiq sbweI Git dIpku gurmuiK jwqw hy ]15]
ahinis niramal joth sabaaee ghatt dheepak guramukh jaathaa hae ||15||
Day and night, the Gurmukh sees the immaculate Divine Light everywhere; this lamp illuminates his heart. ||15||
Bojn igAwnu mhw rsu mITw ]
bhojan giaan mehaa ras meethaa ||
The food of spiritual wisdom is the supremely sweet essence.
ijin cwiKAw iqin drsnu fITw ]
jin chaakhiaa thin dharasan ddeethaa ||
Whoever tastes it, sees the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
drsnu dyiK imly bYrwgI mnu mnsw mwir smwqw hy ]16]
dharasan dhaekh milae bairaagee man manasaa maar samaathaa hae ||16||
Beholding His Darshan, the unattached one meets the Lord; subduing the mind's desires, he merges into the Lord. ||16||
siqguru syvih sy prDwnw ]
sathigur saevehi sae paradhhaanaa ||
Those who serve the True Guru are supreme and famous.
iqn Gt Gt AMqir bRhmu pCwnw ]
aucwrx bRhmu: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
thin ghatt ghatt anthar breham pashhaanaa ||
Deep within each and every heart, they recognize God.
nwnk hir jsu hir jn kI sµgiq dIjY ijn siqguru hir pRBu jwqw hy ]17]5]11]
naanak har jas har jan kee sangath dheejai jin sathigur har prabh jaathaa hae ||17||5||11||
Please bless Nanak with the Lord's Praises, and the Sangat, the Congregation of the Lord's humble servants; through the True Guru, they know their Lord God. ||17||5||11||