SGGSAng 1032Raag MaruSolhey Mahalla 149 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

mwrU mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx mwrU mh`lw pihlw

maaroo mehalaa 1 ||

Maaroo, First Mehl:

swcy swihb isrjxhwry ]

saachae saahib sirajanehaarae ||

The True Lord is the Creator of the Universe.

ijin Dr ckR Dry vIcwry ]

jin dhhar chakr dhharae veechaarae ||

He established and contemplates the worldly sphere.

Awpy krqw kir kir vyKY swcw vyprvwhw hy ]1]

aapae karathaa kar kar vaekhai saachaa vaeparavaahaa hae ||1||

He Himself created the creation, and beholds it; He is True and independent. ||1||

vykI vykI jµq aupwey ]

vaekee vaekee janth oupaaeae ||

He created the beings of different kinds.

duie pMdI duie rwh clwey ]

dhue pandhee dhue raah chalaaeae ||

The two travellers have set out in two directions.

gur pUry ivxu mukiq n hoeI scu nwmu jip lwhw hy ]2]

gur poorae vin mukath n hoee sach naam jap laahaa hae ||2||

Without the Perfect Guru, no one is liberated. Chanting the True Name, one profits. ||2||

pVih mnmuK pru ibiD nhI jwnw ]

parrehi manamukh par bidhh nehee jaanaa ||

The self-willed manmukhs read and study, but they do not know the way.

nwmu n bUJih Brim Bulwnw ]

aucwrx bU`Jih

naam n boojhehi bharam bhulaanaa ||

They do not understand the Naam, the Name of the Lord; they wander, deluded by doubt.

lY kY vFI dyin augwhI durmiq kw gil Pwhw hy ]3]

aucwrx v`FI

lai kai vadtee dhaen ougaahee dhuramath kaa gal faahaa hae ||3||

They take bribes, and give false testimony; the noose of evil-mindedness is around their necks. ||3||

isimRiq swsqR pVih purwxw ]

simrith saasathr parrehi puraanaa ||

They read the Simritees, the Shaastras and the Puraanas;

vwdu vKwxih qqu n jwxw ]

vaadh vakhaanehi thath n jaanaa ||

They argue and debate, but do not know the essence of reality.

ivxu gur pUry qqu n pweIAY sc sUcy scu rwhw hy ]4]

vin gur poorae thath n paaeeai sach soochae sach raahaa hae ||4||

Without the Perfect Guru, the essence of reality is not obtained. The true and pure beings walk the Path of Truth. ||4||

sB swlwhy suix suix AwKY ]

sabh saalaahae sun sun aakhai ||

All praise God and listen, and listen and speak.

Awpy dwnw scu prwKY ]

aapae dhaanaa sach paraakhai ||

He Himself is wise, and He Himself judges the Truth.

ijn kau ndir kry pRBu ApnI gurmuiK sbdu slwhw hy ]5]

jin ko nadhar karae prabh apanee guramukh sabadh salaahaa hae ||5||

Those whom God blesses with His Glance of Grace become Gurmukh, and praise the Word of the Shabad. ||5||

suix suix AwKY kyqI bwxI ]

sun sun aakhai kaethee baanee ||

Many listen and listen, and speak the Guru's Bani.

suix khIAY ko AMqu n jwxI ]

sun keheeai ko anth n jaanee ||

Listening and speaking, no one knows His limits.

jw kau AlKu lKwey Awpy AkQ kQw buiD qwhw hy ]6]

aucwrx Al`Ku

jaa ko alakh lakhaaeae aapae akathh kathhaa budhh thaahaa hae ||6||

He alone is wise, unto whom the unseen Lord reveals Himself; he speaks the Unspoken Speech. ||6||

jnmy kau vwjih vwDwey ]

janamae ko vaajehi vaadhhaaeae ||

At birth, the congratulations pour in;

soihlVy AigAwnI gwey ]

sohilarrae agiaanee gaaeae ||

The ignorant sing songs of joy.

jo jnmY iqsu srpr mrxw ikrqu pieAw isir swhw hy ]7]

jo janamai this sarapar maranaa kirath paeiaa sir saahaa hae ||7||

Whoever is born, is sure to die, according to the destiny of past deeds inscribed upon his head by the Sovereign Lord King. ||7||

sµjogu ivjogu myrY pRiB kIey ]

sanjog vijog maerai prabh keeeae ||

Union and separation were created by my God.

isRsit aupwie duKw suK dIey ]

srisatt oupaae dhukhaa sukh dheeeae ||

Creating the Universe, He gave it pain and pleasure.

duK suK hI qy Bey inrwly gurmuiK sIlu snwhw hy ]8]

dhukh sukh hee thae bheae niraalae guramukh seel sanaahaa hae ||8||

The Gurmukhs remain unaffected by pain and pleasure; they wear the armor of humility. ||8||

nIky swcy ky vwpwrI ]

neekae saachae kae vaapaaree ||

The noble people are traders in Truth.

scu saudw lY gur vIcwrI ]

aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)

sach soudhaa lai gur veechaaree ||

They purchase the true merchandise, contemplating the Guru.

scw vKru ijsu Dnu plY sbid scY Emwhw hy ]9]

aucwrx p`lY

sachaa vakhar jis dhhan palai sabadh sachai oumaahaa hae ||9||

One who has the wealth of the true commodity in his lap, is blessed with the rapture of the True Shabad. ||9||

kwcI saudI qotw AwvY ]

kaachee soudhee thottaa aavai ||

The false dealings lead only to loss.

gurmuiK vxju kry pRB BwvY ]

guramukh vanaj karae prabh bhaavai ||

The trades of the Gurmukh are pleasing to God.

pUMjI swbqu rwis slwmiq cUkw jm kw Pwhw hy ]10]

aucwrx s-lwmiq

poonjee saabath raas salaamath chookaa jam kaa faahaa hae ||10||

His stock is safe, and his capital is safe and sound. The noose of Death is cut away from around his neck. ||10||

sBu ko bolY Awpx BwxY ]

sabh ko bolai aapan bhaanai ||

Everyone speaks as they please.

mnmuKu dUjY boil n jwxY ]

manamukh dhoojai bol n jaanai ||

The self-willed manmukh, in duality, does not know how to speak.

AMDuly kI miq AMDlI bolI Awie gieAw duKu qwhw hy ]11]

aucwrx bolI: polw bolo; m`iq

andhhulae kee math andhhalee bolee aae gaeiaa dhukh thaahaa hae ||11||

The blind person has a blind and deaf intellect; coming and going in reincarnation, he suffers in pain. ||11||

duK mih jnmY duK mih mrxw ]

dhukh mehi janamai dhukh mehi maranaa ||

In pain he is born, and in pain he dies.

dUKu n imtY ibnu gur kI srxw ]

dhookh n mittai bin gur kee saranaa ||

His pain is not relieved, without seeking the Sanctuary of the Guru.

dUKI aupjY dUKI ibnsY ikAw lY AwieAw ikAw lY jwhw hy ]12]

dhookhee oupajai dhookhee binasai kiaa lai aaeiaa kiaa lai jaahaa hae ||12||

In pain he is created, and in pain he perishes. What has he brought with himself? And what will he take away? ||12||

scI krxI gur kI isr kwrw ]

aucwrx isr kwrw: v`Krw krky

sachee karanee gur kee sirakaaraa ||

True are the actions of those who are under the Guru's influence.

Awvxu jwxu nhI jm Dwrw ]

aavan jaan nehee jam dhhaaraa ||

They do not come and go in reincarnation, and they are not subject to the laws of Death.

fwl Coif qqu mUlu prwqw min swcw Emwhw hy ]13]

ddaal shhodd thath mool paraathaa man saachaa oumaahaa hae ||13||

Whoever abandons the branches, and clings to the true root, enjoys true ecstasy within his mind. ||13||

hir ky log nhI jmu mwrY ]

har kae log nehee jam maarai ||

Death cannot strike down the people of the Lord.

nw duKu dyKih pMiQ krwrY ]

naa dhukh dhaekhehi panthh karaarai ||

They do not see pain on the most difficult path.

rwm nwmu Gt AMqir pUjw Avru n dUjw kwhw hy ]14]

raam naam ghatt anthar poojaa avar n dhoojaa kaahaa hae ||14||

Deep within the nucleus of their hearts, they worship and adore the Lord's Name; there is nothing else at all for them. ||14||

EVu n kQnY isPiq sjweI ]

ourr n kathhanai sifath sajaaee ||

There is no end to the Lord's sermon and Praise.

ijau quDu Bwvih rhih rjweI ]

aucwrx rjweI: polw bolo

jio thudhh bhaavehi rehehi rajaaee ||

As it pleases You, I remain under Your Will.

drgh pYDy jwin suhyly hukim scy pwiqswhw hy ]15]

dharageh paidhhae jaan suhaelae hukam sachae paathisaahaa hae ||15||

I am embellished with robes of honor in the Court of the Lord, by the Order of the True King. ||15||

ikAw khIAY gux kQih Gnyry ]

kiaa keheeai gun kathhehi ghanaerae ||

How can I chant Your uncounted glories?

AMqu n pwvih vfy vfyry ]

anth n paavehi vaddae vaddaerae ||

Even the greatest of the great do not know Your limits.

nwnk swcu imlY piq rwKhu qU isir swhw pwiqswhw hy ]16]6]12]

naanak saach milai path raakhahu thoo sir saahaa paathisaahaa hae ||16||6||12||

Please bless Nanak with the Truth, and preserve his honor; You are the supreme emperor above the heads of kings. ||16||6||12||