SGGSAng 1164Raag BhaironNaamdev Jio Ki20 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

BYrau nwmdyau jIau Gru 2

aucwrx BYrau nwmdyau jIau Gru dUjw

bhairo naamadhaeo jeeo ghar 2

Bhairao, Naam Dayv Jee, Second House:

<> siqgur pRswid ]

aucwrx <> : ie`k-EAMkwr

ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jYsI BUKy pRIiq Anwj ]

jaisee bhookhae preeth anaaj ||

As the hungry person loves food,

iqRKwvµq jl syqI kwj ]

thrikhaavanth jal saethee kaaj ||

And the thirsty person is obsessed with water,

jYsI mUV kutµb prwiex ]

jaisee moorr kuttanb paraaein ||

And as the fool is attached to his family

AYsI nwmy pRIiq nrwiex ]1]

aisee naamae preeth naraaein ||1||

- just so, the Lord is very dear to Naam Dayv. ||1||

nwmy pRIiq nwrwiex lwgI ]

naamae preeth naaraaein laagee ||

Naam Dayv is in love with the Lord.

shj suBwie BieE bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ]

aucwrx suBwie: 'b'-'B' dI sWJI Avwj

sehaj subhaae bhaeiou bairaagee ||1|| rehaao ||

He has naturally and intuitively become detached from the world. ||1||Pause||

jYsI pr purKw rq nwrI ]

aucwrx r`q

jaisee par purakhaa rath naaree ||

Like the woman who falls in love with another man,

loBI nru Dn kw ihqkwrI ]

lobhee nar dhhan kaa hithakaaree ||

And the greedy man who loves only wealth,

kwmI purK kwmnI ipAwrI ]

kaamee purakh kaamanee piaaree ||

And the sexually promiscuous man who loves women and sex,

AYsI nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]2]

aisee naamae preeth muraaree ||2||

Just so, Naam Dayv is in love with the Lord. ||2||

sweI pRIiq ij Awpy lwey ]

aucwrx sweI: ibMdI rihq bolo

saaee preeth j aapae laaeae ||

But that alone is real love, which the Lord Himself inspires;

gurprswdI duibDw jwey ]

gur parasaadhee dhubidhhaa jaaeae ||

By Guru's Grace, duality is eradicated.

kbhu n qUtis rihAw smwie ]

kabahu n thoottas rehiaa samaae ||

Such love never breaks; through it, the mortal remains merged in the Lord.

nwmy icqu lwieAw sic nwie ]3]

naamae chith laaeiaa sach naae ||3||

Naam Dayv has focused his consciousness on the True Name. ||3||

jYsI pRIiq bwirk Aru mwqw ]

aucwrx mwqw: polw bolo

jaisee preeth baarik ar maathaa ||

Like the love between the child and its mother,

AYsw hir syqI mnu rwqw ]

aucwrx rwqw: Bwrw krky bolo

aisaa har saethee man raathaa ||

So is my mind imbued with the Lord.

pRxvY nwmdyau lwgI pRIiq ]

pranavai naamadhaeo laagee preeth ||

Prays Naam Dayv, I am in love with the Lord.

goibdu bsY hmwrY cIiq ]4]1]7]

gobidh basai hamaarai cheeth ||4||1||7||

The Lord of the Universe abides within my consciousness. ||4||1||7||